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Everything posted by iKhaosmaster

  1. iKhaosmaster


    It looks pretty good. Make sure to check everything is in the computer.
  2. You don't need to verify your paypal to get donations. I get donations with a unverified account.
  3. I hate it. My friend has it. I told her it was a waste of money. If you want a phone where you can carry around all day and not use it for anything then I suggest it.
  4. All the maps are really good. But for some reason I don't like Assembly. It just doesn't appeal to me that much. Sandbox: 10/10 for forging, CTF, and big team battles. Assembly: 6/10 Good for swat but it lacks its features. Orbital: 9/10 Really good for infection.
  5. Why would you purchase it if it's been leaked. lol
  6. I use it on my online account and it works. You have nothing to worry about.
  7. Still don't bump please. You can watch a video without posting.
  8. I love it. Blending is great. I love your new style you've been doing.
  9. You got's me worked up. lol
  10. No there's more. Don't argue with me there was 13 layers. Edit: Sorry about double post. It was caused by lag.
  11. No there's more. Don't argue with me there was 13 layers.
  12. Yes there is. Trust me I know my own tag. You don't.
  13. There's a lot more than that. lol
  14. I didn't because this looks better.
  15. iKhaosmaster

    New Style

    Well yea I was bored so I tried a new style. CnC? Edit: Also a gift for Melo. http://i291.photobucket.com/albums/ll286/teracannon/newstylecopy.png
  16. Looks good. What is it exactly?
  17. I think your tags are smexy.
  18. Idk maybe linkbucks?
  19. Nevermind I lied. jkjk lol
  20. It does pass #1 also I believe.
  21. Damn dude that's $%#^%# pro.
  22. It meets number 4 and use it anyways. They can't find out.
  23. I didn't buy it. lol
  24. Just use google adsense.
  25. No proof that it works. So I don't believe it's real. It's so simple to hex achievements anyways.
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