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Everything posted by iKhaosmaster

  1. Why did you quit GMOF?
  2. I believe they are to.
  3. Looked really good. Could use some better editing though.
  4. I totally agree with you. lol
  5. So it does work in Photoshop 7?
  6. i find using the generator easier.
  7. Looks really good. I'm sure he likes it.
  8. When I downloaded it on Vista it just gave me the classic theme every time. However it works on my XP computer and does not delete anything at all. Like say if you switch to a different theme and you want the default them back. All you have to do is right click on the default them and press apply this skin now.
  9. I think they will work on Photoshop 7 as well.
  10. I can make some more paintball tags with this. Thanks.
  11. Of course you do.
  12. I suggest using AmitySource Userbar Generator. Download: http://www.amitysource.com/userbar_maker.php
  13. I tried making one the other day. I'm letting you know it's hard as hell.
  14. I called the other day for a transfer cable with a non elite serial code and it worked. You were the one who told me I didn't need an elite serial number on msn to. So thanks. Also very good tutorial.
  15. Please don't bump old topics.
  16. Rofl. Just random s*** on the map. No point in even downloading it.
  17. I'm just downloading for the kv's. lol
  18. You must have a dev kit or have a .map resigner, which probably will never be made.
  19. Once I get my transfer cable I will make you this mod.
  20. If anyone gets this please upload it.
  21. Thanks for this Peaches. Looks like a great tool.
  22. Well all we need now is someone who has the game to test it out. lol
  23. Looks good my friend. I'll have to try it out when I get my transfer cable.
  24. http://avatar.xboxlive.com/avatar/x%20khaosmaster%20x/avatar-body.png Mines Chuck Norris in a suit. XD
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