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Everything posted by iKhaosmaster

  1. GTA and yes I did.
  2. I think he made like a topic saying to be banned and flamed us and all that s***.
  3. When I used this it started me at the beginning of the game.
  4. Yea we really need it. Half of the people here just use the shoutbox and don't even post.
  5. You don't know anything about how I host. I mean nothing.
  6. Put it near his hand somewhere.
  7. Maybe a little blood.
  8. Doesn't look like you used any. Looks like you used a stock.
  9. The gold SOLID bar in the back is fugly.
  10. You definitely used a source for all of those. Not trying to be mean but do some freestyle sometimes.
  11. Mines the other way around. It says I'm not connected but I am. lol
  12. He'll probably use another name. Peaches blocked a lot of proxies I think.
  13. Korupt then he'll use a proxy after he's ip banned. lol
  14. If your running IPB then put it under the template members bar.
  15. Looks like you added a stock, the one above in korupts post, and just added a few effects.
  16. I hope you fix your computer peaches.
  17. You don't need to flame me for saying that. You have an anger problem. I swear. Either that or your out to get me.
  18. Rofl that's not really their spent time. It lowers and goes higher every day.
  19. As second owner and hoster of the Grunt Mods I will give out a secret prize on top of this.
  20. Dude I love you now. *no homo* It has a great GUI btw. Also hit me up on MSN: khaosmaster@live.com or AIM: xxkhaosmasterxx. I need to ask you something.
  21. GUI needs a lot of work. Keep reading those tutorials my friend.
  22. I got her to join Leaf Three if you didn't notice.
  23. I knew it! lol
  24. Dude that sucks. I hope you get better. Two weeks in a row? I've only missed like 27 days this year.
  25. Mine is at 22d 23h 14m 17s.
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