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Everything posted by iKhaosmaster

  1. Quotes don't count. Doesn't matter it's still considered spam.
  2. Do you have any common sense? I don't want anyone to leave. I'm simple saying that the flaming should not go to the point to make a member leave.
  3. Please stay on topic. Please read this http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/?showtopic=11317. I don't act like I own the place. If I acted like that I would say like I'm gonna ban you all if you keep flaming them. I'm just putting my opinion out.
  4. I never said to jack his account. Yes I did say that also. Now that I gave him a chance he's pretty cool. It's amazing what happens when you give them a chance.
  5. Lately I have noticed that the new members are being treated unfairly. They get flamed and then they leave. I really think this should stop. I think staff should seriously start handing out warnings. I don't think the new members should be treated unfairly. For example V3NOM flames Joe Walls a lot, no offense V3NOM, and I really think it should stop. Try putting yourself in their place. Would you want to be treated that way. I think you guys need to give the new members a chance. Remember we were new members at once to. Anyone agree?
  6. Seriously can you read? I'm saying he needs to stay. New members have no right to be treated unfairly. I can post wherever I want also. Your not the boss of me.
  7. Ok I treat all the new members correctly. Anything they ask I help. I even help you guys. Even if I do hate you I'm not gonna flame on this site anymore. I will help.
  8. Please remove this. This makes members leave. This is just plain mean. We want these members to stay. Look now Joe is leaving. Ever since he got here he's been active. I'm really sick of all you guys treating the new members like s***. We were new at once to you know that. Put yourself in their spot.
  9. Dude don't let one person get to your head. If you go to my controls on your account you can ignore him and never have to see what he says. He can't even see anything you say. Please stay.
  10. iKhaosmaster


    I remember that. Now me and him barely talk.
  11. Yea that's definitely generated.
  12. Ohhh. My bad. Sorry.
  13. I agree with korupt. That would be the best way.
  14. I have a job. lol. Please private message me the details you want for the sub-domain. It would be eofocus.com/yoururl. If you have a domain that you need me to add to the add-on domains please tell me what it is and I'll private message you the name servers. If you also need mysql databases please tell me to. Ok please tell me the same information that I told peaces in a private message please.
  15. Of course I do. jkjk. XD
  16. Glad to have you back.
  17. Thank you.
  18. Thanks for all your comments.
  19. Ok now I see what it says. Thanks.
  20. Ok thank you for letting me know. I will make sure that every post I do from now on has a scan if it's under one of those category's. Once again thank you for the info.
  21. Lol. Crazy things do happen when your tired.
  22. I seriously wish I had a flashed drive now.
  23. I host for free. lol. You have to pay to get hosted by fattwam. I give unlimited space and bandwidth aswell.
  24. I don't like my text revealing. I'm not a huge fan either they are just good for creating tags. Thank you. Yes I know. Like I said I don't like it either I just use them because they are fun to work with.
  25. iKhaosmaster


    Well yea here it is. I think it's my best yet. It needs some work in places like text. Color: http://i291.photobucket.com/albums/ll286/teracannon/animewatertag.png Black and White: http://i291.photobucket.com/albums/ll286/teracannon/animewaterbwtag.png
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