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Everything posted by iKhaosmaster

  1. Try to keep only one render on the tag.
  2. Please don't post just to get the shoutbox.
  3. Please don't post just to get the shoutbox.
  4. I believe all of the skulls have been found. Maybe most of the glitches as well.
  5. I'll be using this a lot. Nice app peaches. It's far by the best AIO I have ever seen.
  6. I have no proof of seeing this but it does seem like he would do that according to his name. lol
  7. You don't know if you can upgrade though. That's the thing. You have to run an update debug to see if your drivers are capable of being using on Windows 7.
  8. So what if he used a little of the source? It doesn't really matter. He probably did some of the coding himself.
  9. You do have a good point. rofl
  10. You really need to stop flaming.
  11. If you know people aren't going to enjoy your shout then don't shout it or if like we're talking about something and you say something random we think of that as spam. But most of the time you continuously shout the same thing over and it gets annoying. You also shout repeatedly to much.
  12. I'll give it another try.
  13. It works. I tried it the other day.
  14. It did? Then it may be possible he has it Fatal.
  15. First of all it would've said the code was already used. It said it was not a valid code. Nice try.
  16. I think he meant don't shout repeatedly when he said spam.
  17. Please don't bump old topics.
  18. I don't care if he does. He still is bad at GFX.
  19. Header is way to big and ugly. The background is way to distracting.
  20. I tried using that. I hated it.
  21. It's about time we get some rules for it.
  22. I could do it but..... You said some awfully mean things to me on AIM yesterday.
  23. Your the one talking?
  24. Wtf is this? Are you high or something?
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