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Everything posted by iKhaosmaster

  1. A flooded map is not that interesting. I'd rather see playable mods.
  2. I have no idea what to do on this but gabe said something about patching your mainframes before....
  3. I'm sure it does in some ways. There's also more bugs than the one you saw.
  4. You can lock your account with a secret number so no one can change anything.
  5. It doesn't matter. After those updates there's still undiscovered bugs.
  6. iKhaosmaster


    Your to good at GFX. I'm jealous. lol
  7. I really just think that you pwned his ass. Sorry just had to say it.
  8. I know it was. It came out good though. lol
  9. I lol at that so hard. It's good though don't take me wrong.
  10. Do you know how many bugs the beta probably has? rofl
  11. Happy Birthday Dan. Also Happy Birthday to the other smexy betch, Eli.
  12. We know. <3 I <3 you to.
  13. At least that's better than nothing. lol
  14. Run away!
  15. How does everyone know these things?!?!?!?!!? jkjk lol
  16. That was supposed to be a secret! jkjk lol
  17. Who doesn't know that? Yes I know I am. Second sentence was a little weird. I used to be. Now I hate arguing with everyone. I have a lot of respect for everyone, even people I don't know. Also you and a few other people did. lol Maybe. I know that.
  18. Please let me know how it goes. Your welcome. Thank you Athrun. It was a little simple. Some of it was hard. lol
  19. Thanks anyways. I guess.
  20. Removed.
  21. I think he's only file share/matchmaking banned.
  22. I agree with Korupt. I really don't like alienware. I used to have one. It just didn't work out.
  23. He's just so fing awesome.
  24. Dude I love him. But that Korupt dude is so much better. He invented the term sexy. <3
  25. Technically Caboose and I.
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