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Everything posted by matty0

  1. i bought bulletstorm so i get the beta free... i'll try it but im not overly excited
  2. ...i was scratching my balls
  3. well we're fucked... damn
  4. ... thats one of the dumbest things i've heard in a long time... i use ios, which (feel free to disagree) is the superior of the 3 big mobile os's. but a close second would be android! its got a great choice for customisation, great games and the android app store is second only too the iphone app store. from personal trials (and believe me, i considered a move from ios when ios4.0 turned out to be as memory hungry, 4.1+ has fixed this) and windows mobile was by a fair way the most un-natural feeling ui in a phone i have seen. i would even put palms WebOS in front. for me, 1) iOS 2) Android 3) WebOS 4) Windows Mobile But now on a different note, i take it this is without proper drivers? as i cant test this i would be very interested to find out how well this works iDroid for iphone was very impressive and i would have definitely tried it on my old iphone 3G if it'd had drivers for the battery control and smooth drivers for the graphics. if somebody has managed to successfully port the os to windows mobiles, then a huge kudos to them!
  5. xbox in a pc case has been done my friend. go for the laptop itl be 1000x harder, but 1003x cooler
  6. i would agree, but we lost 4/5 games haha
  7. my female played halo with me... does that count as a win or a fail?
  8. believed them until the 2nd last picture... that gun isnt real is it? grenade launchers dont look like that do they?
  9. colour
  10. live in uk? hit up GBBO gives you a google hosted .co.uk website with i think 5-10gb space and very fast speeds
  11. if you want an hd version of halo ce... im sure we could just skin the textures in the pc version
  12. ...gears 3 is not my most anticipated game of 2011... skyrim is
  13. i've just ripped open an old ps1 controller i had lying around and i see how the connections work but they kept slipping out of place on re-assembly. im going to look at building a little mould for them
  14. have you tried xerax's idea? naming it to .bin or .7z would be my ideas. if not, can you just put it on a pen drive and run it from dos?
  15. look at it with resource hacker http://www.softpedia.com/get/Programming/File-Editors/Resource-Hacker.shtml
  16. http://img708.imageshack.us/img708/205/imagejjv.jpg sorry for the picture quality, its only my phone. but yeah awesome
  17. did jmd's bullet mod. mad props to you sir
    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. matty0


      what a cool idea! has it been done?
    3. matty0


      btw, pic in your thread :p
    4. jmdalmighty


      Yah you can buy pre made

      thumbsticks, there £4 shipped.

      Yah I seen it

  18. just did the mod! screwdriver arrived this morning and i had a bash on first re-assembly the dpad didnt work propperly but i took it apart again and re-alligned it. works great now feels sorta weird in my hands hahah awesome tho!
  19. i'll just wait m8 the propper screw driver will get here friday or saturday and i'd be doing the mod at the weekend anyway. no worries
  20. i tried, its a dotted torx though and i cant get around the dot :/
  21. man ios coding sucks :( damn you're limiting xcode!!!
    1. gruntmods


      coding for the iphone?
    2. matty0


      yep. jailbreak stuff though, i dont have a dev account
    3. gruntmods


      lol, good old apple
  22. the parts arrived today, stupid me forgot to order a screwdriver for them haha! just bought one for £2. should be here in 2-3 days. then i'll have my go
  23. holy crap! stay safe!
  24. i did in high school... made a lego car that could sense walls haha. no memory now tho :/ sorry
  25. ok, so my gf was bought a psp for crimbo and so far all has been cool with it. she has a few games and is quite happy. i happened to mention that they were hackable and emulators and other homebrew would be possible. she loved this idea so i did my research and decided i know nowhere near enough to attempt it yet. so can any of you guys point me in the right direction? i can give you a few specifics, if you need more let me know. it is a red psp 3003 its serial starts with "02" i heard thats important :/ its on firmware 6.37. she updated it yesterday... i told her not too... anyway, any help would be great. i have no clue where to start so really i dont mind how you help out. thanks, Matt
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