see this is why me and quinn are mates haha. once again, he's bang on. hard drives are designed to retain data. to have it writen and then stay there for as long as you could possibly need it. whereas ram is designed to load then unload no data retention at all. in theory, you could make your hdd act as ram... but as quinn says, you'd get read/write errors leading to a drive that dosent store data propperly. usless. also, you could in theory make ram act as a hard drive (see the macbook air) this has HUGE advantages as ram is fast as hell. but, it comes at a price... a price that those of us mortals couldnt bear to pay. so i hope this answers that question
btw, jokes aside... making that into ram (even something like 2gb of it) is a BAAAAAAAAD idea! hard drives can be used as ram, but were not meant to be. let things operate as god intended
i know it was a right essay haha i just thought i'd better lay out all the facts so its easier to make an informed decision... i dont think anythings been left out between the 2 of us haha
i've actually already done a guide on that! its dubious as to weather it works... but i've had promising results for you, whited00r the lite version will kick that ipod into shape
ok so this is just a quick poll based on an idea i had. I know a lot about iphones and how they operate. i could teach how to jailbreak, do app reviews, help with crashes and breakdowns.... all that jazz. i wouldnt mind doing it for the site, but only if enough of you would be interested. note the advantage of this over other iphone reviewers, i'm one of you guys! i'd be here to help you out rather than anybody else. and you could request content! so the way this'l work is simple. i'll leave the poll open for a week, if <10 of you (ie 10 yes votes) are interested, i'll assume its worth doing and collect content ideas from you all as to what you want reviewing. if i get >10 yes votes or enough no votes to bring it to less than 10 i'll assume its not worth it. ii'll count "would depend on content" votes as a yes, as i would use those as show ideas anyway. please dont just vote, let me know your thoughts on this. Thanks guys! Matt
move to rogers, i have an unlimited data plan for my 3G thats only £5 a month... i use it all the time tethering to my macbook pro (yes, i'm apples bitch) in the park to do coursework is so relaxing
my friend speaks the truth. computes detect whichever has the fastest read/write speed between the HDD and the RAM. 99% of the time the RAM will win. the 1% is only for REALLY old pc's when they used to have 180mhz "SDRAM" which (somehow) was slower than a 3200rpm hard drive... that stuff was shocking... now with your DDR3 ram, you're looking at transfer speeds even an SSD couldnt compete with. the SSD will help speed in 2 areas, initial boot up (before the computer will load any programs/data to the ram at all) and in initial loading of HUGE files. ie files larger than the capacity of your 4gb of ram. so if you have a 5+gb iso file, or a 1080p movie thats <5gb... other than that, your hard drive will read the file and transfer it into your ram for quick usage. once the program has been closed, it will unload from the ram, and the cycle continues with the next program you run. for the price of an SSD, do note what differences it will make for you... shaving seconds off a boot time is all well and good but its quite a cost for it in a price/storage space ratio... not saying don't buy one, im more saying lighten the boot load of your OS before presuming you need one
you're on rogers right? do they have 3G? cos using any android phone or any iphone with mywi could transmit that 3G as wifi... you'd get significantly better than 2.6kbps
i have no idea what you'r saying having never played minecraft... so from me
This is a guide for those of us who have jailbroken iPhones... don't worry, i expect 0 reply's to this thread. i just wrote it up for an iphone forum i contribute to and thought why not share it here... Ok, so if like me you use cydia a lot and have many sources to update each time it runs, it's a welcome change to be able to start it updating then play a game while it does the work. Now, it won't automaticaly multitask, but we only need to mod 1 line in the program. so lets get started! I will now post a visual step-by-step guide on how to do this mod with iFile, but you can just as easily do it via SSH or iPhone Browser for example. Step 1 - Locating Cydia within the filesystem As you may be able to see from the top of this screenshot, you need to navigate to... var/stash/Applications/ Step 2 - Locate and edit the "info.plist" file Now, find this file named "info.plist" within the folder Click on it and select "Text Viewer" Now at the top click "Edit" (top left) then scroll right to the bottom (should be the very last line except for "</plist>"), looking for the line <key>UIApplicationExitOnSuspend</key>
<true/> and change true, to false... making it say... <key>UIApplicationExitOnSuspend</key>
<false/> Here is a screenshot to illustrate... Now make sure this file is backed up, then in the top right corner, hit "Save" then quit iFile and RESTART YOUR DEVICE, i did not say respring, or simply run cydia, RESTART thats it! job done! you have a multitasking cydia! now be careful with this. it is not intended for multitasking during an installation of .debs, but this certainly needed writing up! anyway, if this helped you please leave a little comment. i prefer it to the thanks button. maybe some clever person could package this mod into a xsellize package for the repo... just a suggestion enjoy!
Thats good hardware, if you have issues with boot times, there are 2 places to look initially, and a 3rd if they dont make enough of an impact. 1) start menu then all programs/startup and make sure there is nothing that you wouldnt want running at boot time. 2) msconfig - from the start menu type that in "msconfig" and it will boot. then go to the startup tab and remove anything that isn't essential. there will be A LOT! leave all the m$ stuff and anything driver related, but you'd be supprised how much crap gets stuffed in there and then is forced to load at boot. give it a good clear out! 3) clean/defrag your HDD and Registry. if you've had your computer for 6 months+ you should consider a HDD defrag. this will be slow (set aside a day...). if you are unsure on how to do these processes, its made very simple in windows 7 manager by yamicasoft... a google search could help you track it down free... if these things REAAAAAALY dont help, then yes an ssd is faster. but my honest advice to you would be that if you really want to get one, get the smallest possible (think <20gb) and use it purely for the OS to install onto. use other drives for storage and programs. that way you get the boot and load speeds of an ssd drive, without the write errors or the massive price of getting an actually useable sized one. get a nice 7200rpm drive and compare it to ssd... ssd will win, but you'l pay 3x what i pay and you'l get 60gb... i'll have 1tb
are you sure its your hard drive thats bottle-knecking your speed? its almost always ram/cpu... even a 5400rpm drive gives access speeds of 300mbps+... what do you need more than that for? in terms of a speed increase in that department however, you can look into 7200rpm sata2 drives or even usb3 if you want portability. stay away from ssd... they're hellish quick but they have a limited number of writes possible before a fail or data corruption. stick with traditional non ssd. tbh though... i know you say your ram is fine... but are you sure?
before you make this decision, if you can hold back, wait until june. iphone 5 will be released and from the leaked foxxcon info it will have a 4" screen, the dual core a5 processor (graphics that shit all over any other phone currently on the market) and itl be GSM/CDMA so you can pick whatever network suits you best. if you cant wait, i'd go 3GS... for what it costs, its better value than an iphone 4... and unless you need hd video in your pocket at all times... the 3GS is just as good. i swear by mine (apart from its battery)