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Everything posted by matty0

  1. what is jlg?
  2. microsoft is a bigger company... and therefore could pay more for the case... i would bet it was more for pride and looking good than anything else
  3. we'll have an ibm collection of jailbreaking vids
  4. we'll have an ibm collection of jailbreaking vids
  5. haha! well done alex we were talking about doing this last night! i think you have to be the record holder for this so far haha. i'll try and beat you in my norwich branch when i go up next week
  6. hey! zelda n64 is one of the best games ever... this is more... age of empires
  7. can't believe that was over 3 years ago! haha. she's changed so much since back then
  8. i agree. the problem will be if the same thing that happens with h2 pc happens again. where the game requires a ridiculous amount of computer power that seemed to baffle even the fastest of computers. a few updates later it was passable, but that game was painfully under-optimised. i hope that when the (inevitable) h3 pc release occurs, they make it actually playable.
  9. hahahahahahahahahaha wait for halo 3, ODST and then maybe... but till then, (an thatl b like 10 years... ) not gona happen...
  10. you guys may think this is weird, but in the same room i have 2 entirely different setups... at one end i have my pc setup (dual booting win and mac) which i tend to use for hardcore gaming or graphic design etc. heres a pic of that http://img576.imageshack.us/img576/7859/imagerrh.jpg JVC 150watt audio center (its a 2.1 setup, i have a woofer slightly out of shot) 22" acer monitor (1920x1080) microsoft deskset (curve 2000 keyboard, microsoft lazer mouse) my pc is down on the right under the desk and a rubbish lexmark printer/scanner (if you want the computer spec just ask) and here is my laptop setup (macbook pro) http://img22.imageshack.us/img22/1313/image2rs.jpg on the left is the macbook pro itself, on the right connected to it is a 27" HD monitor (1650x1080) 100watt sony sound system (2.1, under the desk is the woofer) under the mbp is my xbox 360, under that is my vcr (yes i have a vcr... what of it), and next to that is my ps2. its currently been gutted though... may soon be a project... i have a wireless apple keyboard and a magic mouse so i can operate this system from my bed. great for watching hd movies
  11. i too will agree, vista fails nice that we all have some common ground
  12. why shit for gaming? all the best games that have been made (almost entireley...) were on the n64/psx or earlier... all of which can be emulated just like in windows... almost all pc games are pretty rubbish. i have portal and i have mario karts... what more do you want from a laptop?
  13. for the record... as somebody who's used windows since i was like 9 (now 19...) mac is better
  14. matty0

    Xbox fix

    you ever played battle toads?
  15. matty0

    Xbox fix

    well that may be true, but i have a 35 year old tv in my game room (hooked up to an atari and a snes haha) and i still have my old nokia 3310 under my bed for emergencies... some electronics just live my friend you just gota show them some love
  16. matty0

    Xbox fix

    just look after it... mine shows no sign of death at all. i think itl last me for as long as i need...
  17. matty0

    Firefox 4 Beta

    its all about google chrome
  18. matty0

    Xbox fix

    xbox 360's can now be bought for like £80 on ebay... who would spend £50 to have an old one repaired?!?! you can sell a broken one on ebay for like £20-£30 anyway, so all told you lose no money buying a brand new one. its not that repairs dont work its just that they arent worth the price. if you're worried about an xbox breaking, cool it, dont use it excessively and dont drop the bloody thing... i've had the same xbox 360 for over 2 years now, not a RROD, not a booting issue, NOTHING. if you're sensible with it, you'l be fine. if you're an idiot with it, you'l kill it... simple as.
  19. i too am really not keen... my gf cant get enough of the stuff though. i'll drink it if im really thirsty, but no. not a fan
  20. wants the new spirit jb to be released :p need my 3G jtagged
    1. jmdalmighty


      The latest jailbreak is for 3.1.3 and surik says thay have made a jailbreak for 4.0 but they are still fixing bugs
    2. halo3glitching


      For 4.0 firmware use jailbreakme.com, you have to go on it on your ipod touch.
  21. read the first post! it sez which of the first 150... just cos its in the picture dosent change the question genius
  22. you sir have just failed. the question was regarding the first 150 (the actual good pokemon...) you have gone into the second set (i believe there was 252 in total?) pick one from the first bunch!
  23. you guys are mad! its all about charizard
  24. judging by your pic mate, your graphic drivers arent right...
  25. it r hackintosh and you're welcome alex nice work
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