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Everything posted by matty0

  1. If it plays like halo 1-3 then i'm happy, if it plays like reach i'll buy it anyway but be disappointed, if it plays like odst i probably wont even buy it...
  2. say le what?
  3. i want that instead of my fiesta
  4. i'm going to throw it out there. everyone hates montages anyway. video's with a legit topic behind them are great, but pointless lists of kills are shit. nobody cares
  5. wow. fugly... built to match the fugly windows metro UI i guess... i'll probably buy it, but i hope that mock up is just a fake. i'd hate to have that in my room...
  6. matty0

    It was fun.

    i've been here a long time i came to share my random glitch video's of halo 3 rather than modding. glad to hear itl stay around. i like to dip in from time to time
  7. check your core temps, make sure your tower has good air flow. disable any overclocks/fsb hacks, and maybe add a couple more fans...
  8. how bad is my shopping on that pic haha. i spent 2 mins on it whilst i was supposed to be working. my boss walked in so i saved it and uploaded it. if peaches sees the funny side, maybe using his .psd of the original he could do a propper one!
  9. hi dylan! welcome
  10. i demand this be our new banner http://img204.imageshack.us/img204/14/ibotwood.png
  11. well now i feel a fool! perhaps we should change the forum name to "ibothardwoodflooring"? peaches? thoughts?
  12. ...the topic was a year and a half old... why bump it?
  13. i am truly baffled this time... if this is a bot then its god damn confused... this forum consists of like 99% 14-25 year olds... we're not big hardwood floor purchasers! haha
  14. at work, playing minecraft. like a boss
  15. playing minecraft 1.8... should definitely be doing work... **** it
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. matty0


      solid as a rock here... playing creative on a macbook. its soooooo cooooool
    3. Quinn


      Mac stability ;)

      Except on hackintoshes :(

    4. matty0


      im still running 1.7.3 on my pc (i have a little himachi server and i sometimes dip into quinn's as well) but i have to say, for solo, the 1.8pr is very good fun :)
  16. getting up at 6am for work is pretty gay
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. jmdalmighty


      Not sleeping all night and having a interview in the morning is pretty gay
    3. Randomrocket


      homosexuals are pretty gay
    4. Slidell


      The **** bro? That's racist.
  17. will pm. bear in mind its not up 24/7, i put it up when i feel like it or on request if need be. just started a clean world too
  18. just started work in a local radio station. kicks ass to work in my dream industry :D
    1. Slidell


      Your dream industry is radio?
    2. matty0


      music industry in general :) radio is a step in the right direction
  19. i have to put my vote with redstar... if for nothing else its got an offer on saving you like 350... buy it, use it, resell it for more than you pay. classic profiteering
  20. dan, r u still selling the router? i may well need a new one in about 2 weeks
  21. just seemed a little bit odd for a bot... i don't know though, you could well be right though
  22. wrong forum for this... anyway, from reading your super confused post i can tell you that if you want to use office 2010, the only ways that currently work are to use a miniKMS activation trick, or to actually pay for it. the pre-loaded key versions (blue) only lasted for 10,000 installs (one of which being me). they HAVE to be verified online, so after the 10k activations happened, it became useless. pay for it or use KMS
  23. he clearly decided to buy new shoes in 2001. shoes are clothes, ergo he has changed clothes. although frighteningly rarely
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