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Everything posted by matty0

  1. thats really kind of you m8 we'll see how it goes. i bought it on friday and it said 2-3 day post so i imagine itl be here monday / tuesday time. i'll let you know
  2. sounds a little scary... but i'll try it. im happy to experiment. hot wrong can it go haha
  3. just bought i went with nickel as itl hopefuly match the xbox button once it arrives i'll doccument the process with credit to you of course
  4. sounds cool! can u help me find somewhere i can get the parts from? ebay cant find me any 9mm empty shells :/
  5. i would love an odst one with that mod done! looks epic!!! wish i had the balls to open it up
  6. very cool! i take it you were going for the back end of bullets look. awesome
  7. give us a closer shot of the abxy buttons! they look great
  8. very zune haha
  9. im a uni student unlimited mobile internet paired with an iphone with mywi (turns your mobile internet into pc internet and your iphone into a router transmiting signal as wifi - i get around 300-400kbps with full bars) i can study ANYWHERE!!! haha oh, and god bless the battery life of my macbook pro
  10. vodafone god bless unlimited mobile internet
  11. matty0

    Halo 4

    so this thread titled "Halo 4" gives us an 8 minute video... 7 minutes of which talkes about halo's already released, with 1 minute talking about pictures declared fake... thats 8 minutes of my life you owe me. why post this crap!!!
  12. not here for me
  13. "I ate a big red candle" Brick Tamlind - Anchorman
  14. internal sound uses almost no power! and the graphics are 6 series nvidia... comes out of the ram and therefore motherboard. its a bios trick, not really hardware. we'll see how it goes. if it dosent work then it dosent work, but think. you can put a 4 core i7 in a laptop now and run that off an 80w psu internaly with a screen, graphics, sound, hard drive, optical drive, wifi... you'd be supprised how economical computers can be
  15. all im running is a motherboard and a hard drive... no graphics/sound cards, no optical drive, nothing really! motherboards require 50w approx, and the hard drive can run of a usb which is 20w... shouldnt be an issue whatsoever . if it is... i may link 2 togeather... only £12...
  16. i bought a m-itx micro psu. 15cm x 4cm. it is TINY! itl arrive in 2-3 days i'll start a project page once i have all the parts. btw, im using the xbox's origional 20gb HDD im going to use it as a HTPC so i'll run the xbox origional HDD as an OS drive, then store the media on an external drive (for now) EDIT: just thought i'd add, its 120watt. that should be enough
  17. i see what you're all saying... but i want to make it all internal if possible. the origional xbox may be worth a look into but otherwise, it dosent hurt to have a look and see what it can shrink 2 im decent enough with a soldering iron... whats the worst that could happen haha
  18. ok, so a while back i posted here that a friend of mine had challenged me to put a pc in an xbox 360 case. that project died as we had no free time, and as students, no cash for parts. but now with 2011 dawning i am reattempting his challenge with a slightly different aim. i'm not building a new pc in the xbox, but moving an old m-atx machine that's about 8 years old into the case. that way there's no parts to buy (other than a hard drive) and if it all goes wrong, it dosent matter. the pc is crap anyway haha. so for those interested, heres the hardware im using. Mobo - ASROCK kfn84g-sata2 Ram - 2x 1GB DDR1 (aka, DDR400) Graphics - Onboard, Nvidia 6100 (using 128mb of ram to a total of 256mb) sound - onboard (alc 888) wifi - broadcom pci card (i will have to cut this to fit...) and the bit where i need your guys help, the power supply... in the case its all currently housed in, its a generic 400 watt "Power-X" PSU. but as those of you who've built pc's before will probably know, PSU's are mahusive! the chasis for the psu will in NO way fit in the xbox case. so i have 2 options, look online for a smaller one (then have to pay for it...) or option 2, disassemble my current psu, taking it out of its housing and seeing what i size i can get it down to. so my question is, A) is that in any way safe or a good idea? B) if anybody has done it, are the circuit boards out of the case small enough to make it worth while? thanks for any help if i can get started, i'll make a thread and keep you all updated with my progress. wish me luck
  19. http://www.comicbookmovie.com/images/users/uploads/10959/chances_-_dont_be_a_pussy__this_guy_seems_legit.jpg
  20. i like the optimism
  21. not really sure what your asking for m8 :S give me a screenie of what diddnt work and i'll see if i can think of what will
  22. TURN OFF CAPS LOCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! dick
  23. haha nice bump
  24. wont b long.
  25. true, but if everyone cared about anything we'd get nothing done. worry close to home. just keep that in check and your fine
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