i just registered on Lockerz.com (see website here) and basicaly you have to be invited to join, if you join you can get free prizes the best part is that you DONT give ANY creditcard info! its purely adress based. anyway, i have 20 invites and im happy to giv em away, only thing, dont ask for one if you're not gonna accept it. i need all 20 accepted. thanks, Matty0 (this will be first come first served.)
just chill halo3, all they're saying is that this website isn't a free base for advertising. if your going to use it to promote your website then personally i think you should at least donate to peaches. That way you'l at least have earned the right a little bit. Currently it's just leaching. If, you are as good as you say you are (and i wouldn't know one way or the other) then fair enough, probably 99% of this sites members will have 360's and therefore may encounter problems. if you can help then thats fair enough, but to be honest this is a site thats free to register and mainly consists of under 18's, i would say it would be a much better idea to offer free advice rather than charge for repairs. If you know these "special methods" then show us where you learned them! help the community! Perhaps im being unfair, but i know that if i felt i knew a way to fix a problem, i would just walk people through it... i wouldn't ask for payment. think about it, you can get a set of screwdrivers for £5 and im sure the rest of the necessary components can be picked up on ebay for a lot less than you charge. & this way you will be well thought of, as somebody who helps people (rather than pesters) and then (just maybe) if people need your help then they will seek you out rather than you thrusting your services at them, and you can feel good about that. donate to peaches and perhaps ask for a sticky of your Xbox 360 repairs thread in the correct section. Then if somebody needs it they will be able to find it, and find you, on there own. just some things to consider.
why does everyone slate vista?!?! it seems like people say its crap just to be cool. it was nowhere near as bad as people said it was, dont get me wrong it wasnt perfect, but it was fine. and as for win7 the only new thing about it thats useful is the search function which now works (the search in mac has worked for the last 5 years so its about time they caught up). other than that theres very little thats helpful (other than perhaps the new directx that makes emulation of things like PS2, Gamecube, Wii etc a lot smoother graphically). feel free to slate me for bigging up both vista & mac, but tbh i like both. and 7 is ugly as **** 4 so i wouldn't want to use it anymore. (yes i have got it, have used it, have removed it). let the hate comense...
6 cores... i do audio engineering at 96Khz quality (im sure that means nothing but just imagine a really big number ) but some systems (with that sorta cpu) can go up to 148khz, and edit blueray quality video simultaneously. try that on your $200 cpu and watch your computer crawl to a painful hault. i agree that for the AVERAGE user it is useless, but if you had $999 to spend on a single component, chances are you dont want an average pc... yes? ps... i would call it more of a win. 6 cores would be epic
set it to its stock settings (no OC) then run it for half an hour and see if it happens. if the same thing occurs then i would suggest either change your drivers (make sure they match your friends as his clearly work) or perhaps you have a faulty fan on the card and will need to fit a replacement. just ideas
i asked you ages ago and you never got back to me lostmodz, is there any way you could make me 1? dosent matter about length or quality, but just have the words "BlackXhorneT Tutorials" somewhere on it? pretty please with a cherry on top?
...those are about the only bad things ive every heard about the iphone! i have one, and many of my friends do and it is simply the best phone on the market to date... the blackberry you're thinking of is the "storm 2" i would imagine, my friend has one and isnt keen. the screen has to be clicked in to select anything... very disconserting. and i would steer 10000000miles clear of anything made by samsung. unless you like broken electronics and a lighter wallet