this saturday im moving out! im moving up north to yorkshire (huddersfied 2 b more precise) an i duno what sort of internet they'l have up there so i might not b on here anymore after that! anyway, i just wanted 2 say, thanks 4 all the good times every1 and i wish u all good luck in the future an 4 those of u who've got 2 no me i'll miss u guys happy trails. Matty0
ok, i saw it as a challange and ive already found beta dl links... if anyones interested (trust me it looks revolting) i can hook you up with links. i'll do a formal post 2moz but for now a pm will get you the links. (its v2.00 beta btw 536mb)
ok, so the more intelegent amoung you may have worked this out already, but as i have known it for a while i thought i should share it with some of you who dont. the WEI rating of your vista pc, should range from 1.0 to 5.9 (above 5.9 is set to be added with the 3rd service pack ive been told) but for now thats the maximum range you can get. by folowing this tutorial you can edit it to be anywhere from 0.1, to 9.9 (unfortunatly double figure numbers make the WEI screen crash on opening) but stil, it gives you a little more to play with, and its really rather easy. this tutorial is dedicated to the forums at for the amazing amount of help they've given me with my advent 4211 and they really deserve thanks for. so lets get started, heres a screen shot, then the tutorial for you. remember to rate 5*/sub/comment if you find the vid interesting. Youtube Tutorial Link
i hope you all enjoy it and find it interesting. thanks for reading/looking/watching. (then hopefuly rating 5*/subing/commenting =D)
build 1!!! you'l spend half the cash and get twice the equipment. and peaches is right! most hardware manufacturers use 533mhz ddr2 ram, whereas if you build it you could put in 800mhz ddr3 and ud still pay less. trust me, build it. its not as tough as people think
xilisoft DVD ripper platinum rips any dvd to any format/any size you like in 1 step ...warez... bad.... dont search "xilisoft dvd ripper plattinum rapidshare"... bad karma
labyrinth simple puzzle game where you must angle your ipod/iphone in order to roll a ball into a hole. i think it costs ã3.99 or just jailbreak, get installous, then all apps r haz 4 freeeeeee sims 3 explination needed id guess? yes? costs ã4.99 i believe...i used installous MGSTouch its metal gear solid 4 iphone...yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeas idea i used installous Line Rider line rider 4 iphone woop costs ã1.99 Guitar toolkit app to help tune, learn chords and pitch yourself ã3.99 ScreenSplitr get an iphone/ipod compatible composative cable, run screen splitr an see ur screen on ur tv gr8 4 films!!! + youtube costs FREE its a jailbroken app (only currently 100% working with 2.x firmware, 3.x is flakey atm)
i cant 2night as its like midnight here (uk) but i'll b on 2morrow an any other 2 people r welcome 2 join me if they need convincing. i'll also cap card it an put it on youtube 2 finaly end this argument if it works
i'll tell u what guys, as far as glitching goes i pretty much know it all, and providing that wall is only thin i bet it can be clipped through and then proved or disproved accordingly. i suggest someone tries a 4player playthrough and stacks mongooses until some1 can clip through. on a retail xbox with no rth or dev hacks... stop flaming and let somebody have a bash. fair?
guitar for 5 years now. passed grade 8 got 3 electrics and an accoustic Schecter Hellraiser Tempest custom with emg actives its mah baby Epiphone Flying V (childhood dream realised lol) with custom EMG Zack Wyldes fitted Squire Strat (practice) Hohner tone pro accoustic (20 years old an still sounds lovely lol)