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Everything posted by matty0

  1. i hate tv double acts... the chuckle brothers (peado's or what?!?!?!?) ant & dec (ARRRRRG) and basicaly any others with the exeption of mitchel and webb oh, and the thing i hate most in life is cilla black... i hope someone kills her... evil bitch
  2. matty0

    m$ office 2007

    search for "office 2007 blue edition" comes without the need for a serial, and will activate silently and be activated forever. you will have problems with "OGA" (office genuine advantage), to solve these problems, navigate to "C:/Windows/System32" and delete any files with OGA in the name. i know for sure that OGALegitCheckControl.dll is one (or something similar....) but anyway, navigate to the "O's" (alphabetical) and delete all the OGA's. no worries
  3. matty0

    Xbox handheld

    i duno about that... i've had my xbox almost 2 years now and i am NOT gentle with it. i hit it when the fans are loud, lug it into my mates car (he has an in car dvd that has a composite input... h3 on the way to uni = win) and its a very speed-bump oriented route from our house to uni... maybe its just mine, but my xbox has been UBER reliable. the only quarrel i have with it is the loud fan, and it gets a little warm. i plan to improve on that tho some mods this summer
  4. i couldnt be more exited the reason i didnt buy a 3gs was because i hoped the 4g would be a bigger leap. turns out i was right iphone 4 looks epic WOOP
  5. you're right that is a fail! (as is your spelling of "ever") but needless to say, yeah ha
  6. hahahahaha you flexed it that much? did you hit it with a hammer too? heatguns arent a good idea, but if yours turn out that way... if i were you, i'd stay away from ANY tool! hahahaha nice work!
  7. haha nice work, this isnt cortana of course not hahaha the biggest telltale fake sign was that on the XNA screen it is very aliased, once you get into the game it isnt at all. nice try tho, you might get some gullible people believing this
  8. hahahaha why would you want to be on here 24/7? do you really have nothing better to do? that is truly frightening haha
  9. http://files.posterous.com/lexielex/K45r6V3mXKd6TDUMBUqokvuVxKeA59AKYVxTfd0R4lGru78zFnPlWcCpV4io/Cool_story_bro.jpeg?AWSAccessKeyId=1C9REJR1EMRZ83Q7QRG2&Expires=1275519446&Signature=jB8e0hFIVr2AjIdCT6vgxzkWyjA%3D
  10. mine was serious! jeez
  11. at my school we played football... how gay were we!
  12. once again, looks into wallet... *£2.87, 2 condoms, a used cinema ticket to iron man 2, and a subway card with 3/5 stamps to get a free sub * a fine offer i think you'l agree oh! and it has a plectrum that was thrown at me when i went to see rise against... but you can't have that
  13. my gf is called hannah and she too has lovely boobs
  14. boobs. everyone loves to see boobs
  15. haha NO! i got confused with him SO often last year! and some guy at gametuts too... my username may be too generic haha
  16. http://img217.imageshack.us/img217/1456/35459133.png me at my gf's parents new years party. its suprising the faces you'l pull after enough tequila haha
  17. but bootcamp means you have to suffer using windows on a beautiful mac... naa im joking. if need be, this is an option
  18. has compleated his first year of uni!
  19. has compleated his first year of uni!
  20. has compleated his first year of uni!
  21. has compleated his first year of uni!
  22. has compleated his first year of uni!
  23. has compleated his first year of uni!
  24. has compleated his first year of uni!
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