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Everything posted by matty0

  1. lostmodz, am i correct in assuming you have a mac? because if so mac has fuck all in drm removal tools but we do have another option run a screencap program (screenflow is particularly good) and record yourself playing it then you can save it without drm on windows, SOME drm protected files (those from bbc iplayer for example) can be decrypted by using the "fair use drm removal" tools. but its fairly hit and miss... i suggest a high quality screencap tool. much better output, no faffing. EDIT here are the windows tools you would need http://undrm.info/remove-DRM-protection/FairUse4WM-freeware-DRM-removal-Windows-software-Strip-copy-protection-from-WMV-ASF-WMA-Windows-Media-Player.htm
  2. WAT remove. 1 click
  3. matty0


    yes we all do... how ignorant are you? its like saying windows users dont know what the windows button does...
  4. matty0


    there is no gmod for mac yet i've heard its in the works though
  5. matty0


    portal is simply fantastic, mac does have a right click, what moron thoght they diddnt? retard. and the ending is great! the whole game is a massive challange and somehow they managed to have a boss fight even though you dont have a weapon. oh and one more thing, the cake is NOT a lie put on a no walls cheat and you can find the room with the cake it also has the weighted companion cube
  6. very impressive
  7. if u hadnt sed fake i would have believed you haha nice
  8. set the output to a .mov its an uncompressed format and will therefore require less to render out. WMV is a HIGHlY compressed format and will require more power than you need. after the .mov output, try and open the OUTPUTTED file in vegas on its own, and render that as a wmv. i think you'l find that should work
  9. we're getting hung up on things that dont matter. the whole point of this thread is to discuss how good (or otherwise) reach is. not the inadequacies of the xbox 360. thats a conversation for another thread.
  10. you're right and wrong there, gamespot said that basicaly the only thing wrong with H2 were its graphics, but it was also way ahead of many other xbox games of the time. as for H3 many (me included) think that the graphics were great, but others (those who like cod) will say that the graphics are lacking (mainly because halo dosent have random bits of paper flying around... yeah nice) as for reach, i (and my cod playing friends) all agree it is brilliant now. better than cod and odst... great
  11. there need to be a hell of a lot of tweaks, many of which we have discussed here. if somebody is happy to create a list of these i will post them on bungie.net. its the whole point of the beta anyway, too many people (perhaps me included at times) are judging this as a game when it is just a test. anyway, if you guys will give me lists, i will post them
  12. i changed my vote to good. i diddnt like it, now i win all the time i do like it... call me judgemental but who likes losing?
  13. we really dont. there will easily be 10 of these, with the same programs, all just as pointless as eachother. the problem with them is that all the tools are readily available, why collect them when realisticaly you only need 3 or 4 tools in order to mod fucking halo 3 (why isn't that well and truly dead yet) and yet all of these stupid AIO's have like 200mb of bloated shit just to waste space and never get used. if people want to make programs, MAKE NEW PROGRAMS. dont just collect other peoples work and expect a cookie and a hug. it makes you a fag who wants credit for other peoples work and research. go fuck yourselves. peace
  14. another aio. fan-fucking tastic
  15. ...its growing on me
  16. im very aware its a beta. i hope it improves
  17. itl b better in a couple of days when the hysteria has calmed down. but for now its unusable... ah well
  18. ...they've killed the br... it's all about the pistol now
  19. i would have considered it for my uni xbox but i hacked mine to work on our shitty internet so sorry
  20. im not keen so far, love the graphics, hate the new weapons.
  21. just a quick poll to see what you all think im in two minds... i love the new graphics but i think its WAY over powered and the new powers are ridiculous. lets see
  22. im just saying. making an app thats just a collection of other peoples work... great. you can clearly code (congrats) so use it constructively! build a resigner, or a new modding tool... something new re-engineering what we already have has been done to death. i fail to see the point
  23. great... another...aio... and why does it have redsn0w and blackra1n... jesus christ
  24. bring on "Master Chief Pro Skater" . itl b rubbish at first, but by the time they get to "Master Chief Underground" itl be pretty fun
  25. whats the spec of your netbook and what actualy is it? i had an advent 4211 (msi wind clone) and with the 1.0d firmware it enabled overclocking (i got it to 2.1ghz on an atom!) and i put an extra 1gb of ram in it and i ran a program called "GMA booster" that overclocks the intel GMA 950 graphics card (i assume u'll have it) up to 4x the performance. i played oblivion on my netbook at 34fps (on power, 20fps on battery) if you want GMA booster i can loan u my serial to test it out with. i sold the netbook so i no longer use the program beat that haha
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