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Everything posted by matty0

  1. few things im proud of, few not so much but hey lol my first decent sig http://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z184/mattyBG/Matty0DreamEvil.gif i was into assasins creed 4 a while... made this http://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z184/mattyBG/assasinscreedsigeditedcopy.jpg me an some friends started a sig shop on my old site, this was my sig back then http://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z184/mattyBG/Assasinscreedsigshop2.jpg started getting into sonic adventure (seriously cool game) http://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z184/mattyBG/shadowsig.png collection of some of the sigs i made for the sigshop (unfortunately all lost now) http://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z184/mattyBG/Spidermancopy.png http://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z184/mattyBG/Matrix-1.png http://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z184/mattyBG/Medievi.png http://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z184/mattyBG/Untitled-1copy.png http://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z184/mattyBG/Mario-1.png Sig i made a good friend http://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z184/mattyBG/SONYCsigv2.png Offspring...awesome band http://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z184/mattyBG/Offspring.png best sig i made for a friend http://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z184/mattyBG/AlexRider.png best sig i made for me http://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z184/mattyBG/lolsig3.png my little icon thing... its cooool...like james bond meets master chief lol http://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z184/mattyBG/BlackXhorneTicon-1.png random thing i made for my gf http://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z184/mattyBG/menhannah-spatthebeach2.jpg logo for my youtube vids... i wish sum1 would do me a video intro http://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z184/mattyBG/Blackhornetproductions.png shoutbox http://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z184/mattyBG/shoutbox.png Finaly the completed header for the new ibm skin http://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z184/mattyBG/header-1.jpg ah thatl do... im sure your all bored or laughing at me. i hope u can see something good in me
  2. matty0

    New Staff

    congratulation my amigos i know you'l rock it
  3. How long you have been doing GFX: around 3 years Program: photoshop CS4 Extended Edition 5 sigs posted:...ok 1) http://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z184/mattyBG/lolsig3.png 2) http://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z184/mattyBG/BlackHornet.png 3) http://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z184/mattyBG/halosigcopy-1-1.png 4) http://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z184/mattyBG/Untitled-1copy-1.png (sorry its just an example) 5) http://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z184/mattyBG/Offspring.png (old site i used 2 moderate) Any large pieces (optional): http://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z184/mattyBG/MySonicAndShadowBackground.png Link to any Photobucket, Imageshack, Photonow, any Image sharing site. http://s191.photobucket.com/albums/z184/mattyBG/?start=0
  4. ok i'll do it then post it. itl only b a sec EDIT:
  5. well theres 2 options i can do 4 u. a) remove the c4d all togeather an just have it without B) adjust the hue of it to remove some of the purple-ness
  6. what do you mean diddnt blend? send me a screenie an i'll fix it. (if it helps im on msn - matty0@hotmail.co.uk)
  7. consider it done http://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z184/mattyBG/header-1.jpg enjoy. (heres it as an attatchment 2)
  8. id b up 4 it hehe i'll pwn you all!!! (as long as we play hide an seek hehe) shoop da whoop!!!
  9. matty0

    iBotnet virus

    not anymore, its due to the intel archetecture. you could write a virus for it on windows technicaly. but yeah, now there on osx 86 (intel) they'l b flooded with the stuff
  10. no way! i love them coolio
  11. ok thanks for clearing that up, i ralise i over-reacted and im sorry. im working on the requested changes now. 1) remove the ".net" 2) move the now, just more to the left a bit 3) remove the exclamation point anything else? EDIT: picture edited with requested edits. please notify me of anymore you need. http://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z184/mattyBG/header2.jpg
  12. would have yesterday...wont today well i would have helped had i not been asked to jump through hoops to be vip, i worked bloody ******* that (like i do for each post i submit) yet now im no more than somebody who just registered to post some spam. nice to feel needed. take it or leave it... i dont care. but im not putting any more effort into it. that was my final act as vip as i see it. im not gona earn it over again, i shouldnt have 2
  13. this i a joke. ive contributed hours of my life, giving up money time and effort to reccord video tutorials i post exclusively here, i always help out and work hard to aid any member here and now im having to work back up to v.i.p? if thats the way your gonna treat a hard working member who dedicates a significant portion of his life to helping then i dont wanna be a part of it. i'll wait for some form of explination on if this will be fixed propperly and not made to compete like show dogs... not cool. if this isnt explained by the end of the day i'll take all my vids down and edit all of my useful posts to be... less usefull. not happy
  14. http://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z184/mattyBG/header.jpg to late to enter mine?
  15. ok, the ring of white pixels around the pikmin is driving me insane so here's a quick lesson 2 get rid of them. 1) open your photoshop file 2) open the layer with the poorly rendered pikmin 3) so to "select" at the bar at the top, and then "load selection" (this will tightly wrap around the opacity of the layer) 4) go back to select, then this time "refine edge". now feather it slightly and bring in the pixel radius by 1 or 2. 5) make me feel much happier at a WELL rendered pikmin
  16. *clicked post early, please delete this moderators*
  17. if you want hotmail there are 2 decent options. 1) go on safari, then www.meebo.com - then click the + and save 2 desktop. huzzah you have a hotmail app. NOTE this is purely an IM client, no sending OR reciving of emails. 2) (if jailbroken then you can download this app free through installous - add the hackulo repo in cydia then through that install installous) download the app "mBox Mail Hotmail edition" (its a black icon as opposed to a red one) and put in ur msn deets. itl just work for sending and reciving emails, NOT as an IM client (use www.meebo.com as stated above for that) combining the 2 works gr8 4 me. (note for jailbroken users) if you use a dockflow skin in summerboard/winterboard (and if you dont, you should. there awesome) then u'll find that your standard email icon becomes kinda pointless as you are now using mBox Mail. so what you need 2 do, is to go onto cydia and download an app called "Poof" and then go onto installer (yes finaly a use for it ) and download "rename" (there may b a cydia version but that 1 worked gr8 4 me. now what you need to do is go onto poof (an app to hide icons!!! it can hide ANYTHING so you can finaly get rid of that pointless stocks icon...) and turn off "mail" yes i know this will screw up your dock but dont fret, we'll fix that now. now close poof and let it "respring" then go onto rename and find mBox Mail. now rename it "Mail" (make sure its a capital M). now respring and you'll notice that its taken the icon of the origional dockflow mail icon (this is because a winterboard skin works by basicaly replacing the icons by using the name of the app as a guide. you have just told it that it should use that for the mail icon) now drag it back into place on your dock an your done i know i rambled but hey im accurate. i hope at least somebody found this interesting lol
  18. dude im tryin the new skin an i likes it just a point 4 u tho, the pikmin in the emblem bar at the top is very poorly rendered. if u want id hapily do a better 1 for you. i can have it for you this evening (gmt around 8ish...) and in png format so you can just overlay it the same. the white pixels around it r annoying me hahaha good work on the fix btw glad were online agen
  19. thats really kind m8 i appreciate it thats the point of vip i spose, the comeraderee
  20. 1) my halo 3 glitch tutorials. ive made over 30 and they're all posted here first. and from about the last 20 exclusively here. 2) i have gone through heroic mode with members of this forum and helped them collect skulls 3) i always attempt to solve a situation, and if i cant i make a random comment changing the subject 4) i post tutorials for XP customisation, with pictures, private uploads and personal works 5) i provide advice for iphone and ipod touch 6) im lovely most of you guys seem 2 like me...i hope so anyway
  21. yeah but only really in doubles. its 2 hard 2 co-ordinate 4 people+ but 2 of u works hilariously
  22. glad 2 help an i havnt got that map, if u can send me it i'll find some
  23. yeah thats sorted haha. it was just a test about upgrading rank. its sorted now
  24. thanks its not for profit an its not gona steal members. its a learning excersize. im sure itl cause no problems.
  25. thanks for all ur support!!! an the sites working now
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