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Everything posted by matty0

  1. matty0

    My Challange

    no, i dont need pre built crap anymore. ill use a retail snow leopard build usind the 132-BOOT loader then install chameleon rc4. i've chosen hardware with good compatibility and i'll collect any extra kexts that i'd need. ideneb is VERY helpful to noobs starting out with hackintoshes, but its limited... real builds are superior in every way
  2. http://img339.imageshack.us/img339/3632/screenshot20100427at194.png thats right bitches, mac dual screening 2, im watching avatar in HD on my second monitor its just like Pocahontas... i feel like a kid again
  3. matty0

    500 posts

    thats what im talking about... if i was black i would call you a "homie" but im so very white. so is "chum" the white ghetto equivalent?
  4. matty0

    500 posts

    thats right, i have posted more than those who've posted 499 times... yeah... in the face. bitch
  5. pray if its meant to be then god will make it so.
  6. matty0

    My Challange

    yeah his work will really help thankyou
  7. matty0

    My Challange

    haha no, im doing a degree haha yeah some help might be good i dont know when i'll start but i'll let you know of anything you could do. thanks, i'll check them out its all fixed now
  8. matty0

    My Challange

  9. matty0

    My Challange

    i will. i wont be starting till we're both done with exams, but i'll keep updates
  10. matty0

    My Challange

    ok, so i have been set a challenge that is very simple in name, probably much harder in practice. my friend has a broken xbox 360 and a lot of money. i have a lot of free time (challenge forming), so he set me this proposal. can i turn his xbox into a hackintosh. if i win, he pays for every component and i keep it. if i fail, i pay for every component and i have to "dress up like a horse, give him a piggy back all day and answer to the name Epona (yes we're both zelda nerds). so, i've looked online & taken measurements and im confident that a micro ITX mobo will fit nicely (i've picked one with an ION graphics chip so when i win i'll actualy like the machine haha) so i've got a list of components all ready for order and i'm confident i can accomplish the task, i only have one question that needs answering. will the stock xbox 360 disk drive be able to work with the build? i havent opened the xbox yet (torx screw driver is on the parts list) and im just wondering if i can use the stock drive. i'd really rather not have to put in a new one as the current drive works fine and will keep the look very neat and im a perfectionist please let me know if any of you have tried this, and any tips or guides i may have to follow would help too. thanks, Matt
  11. damn, i just jizzed in my pants... well... awkward...
  12. http://images.paraorkut.com/img/funnypics/images/y/you_fail-12825.jpg
  13. im thinking posh wank rather than nookie
  14. haha thats fine, i owe about £120 there's no overdraft either lol. so how would you like the exchange to be made? haha
  15. i will offer you, (hold on... counts money in wallet) ..£6.82 and a used movie ticket to avatar in 3d? yes?
  16. me 2 im pretty gutted tbh, ah well. i love my mbp anyway blows the shit out of any windows laptop ive used
  17. you can jb it using the latest redsnow, simply direct it towards a 3.1.2 ipsw job done
  18. there are mac users... we havent had the same tools as windows users, hence my offer. if i can help catch us up then im doing a good thing.
  19. not to my knowledge. but if you like i could create you a custom ipsw with pwnage tool? its way better than quickpwn. btw, if you're on an ipt 2g or 1g you can just use redsnow 0.9.4 if its an ipt 3g then it cant be jailbroken yet (im assuming you're on os 3.1.3?)
  20. ok so, i dont technically have anything to submit right now, but over the last few days i have learned to "Port" which is basicaly how to install windows programs onto a mac. I can build them into a FAST running .app file that you can simply run by double clicking. no crossover, no nothing. very easy. so, what im offering is that if there are any halo 3 modders who run mac, if you post any windows tools you would like ported to mac here (give me a dl link) i'll do the hard work for you i cant promise a 100% success rate, but so far all of my projects have been a success. hope this can be of help Matty0
  21. i have a script that i wrote that i can confirm works (i am using photoshop as we speak ), if u want it i can try an find it 4 u. if i cant find it i can just giv u little snitch, use it 2 block adobe from calling home. same methold but without any hacking
  22. my only thought is will the .hosts crack work easiest patch ever. if so i'll release a crack on release day mac + win
  23. correct. ...and why is it a fail? i bet this took ages. b grateful you arrogant prick
  24. jeez guys calm down. there are lots of little tricks to get points quicker. im not trying 2 argue, just offering invtes to those who want em. k?
  25. ok pm me ur email an i'll invite u
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