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Everything posted by miinaturvat

  1. Bungie should give you recon for those skills
  2. Of course I'm doing a bit of research into other moddable features of gametypes, but if anyone else wants to help, that'd be cool
  3. Bump So, does anyone know?
  4. I like the mod with the warthog and the tank turret
  5. I'm pretty sure all games do...
  6. F9CD1857 - bloc - BIG invisible cannon man It's an invisible cannon-man
  7. miinaturvat

    Gamer Pics...

    Hello I have a question that is beginning to annoy me because I can't find the anser... You can download gamerpic sets from the market place, and you can also unlock gamerpic sets by completing certain games. These are stored in your Xbox360's HDD at Partition 3\Content\0000000000000000\<picture pack's ID>\00002000\<picture packs ID> There are also gamer pics that come with the 360. My question is: Where are the gamer pics that come with the 360 stored on the HDD? Any help on the subject at hand will be appreciated
  8. What new update are we talking about? And can we get rid of it by clearing our cache?
  9. All the bi-peds will stand up straight automatically. It's similar to when you spawn on a squint respawn point. You still spawn standing up, as do all other bipeds I'd probably use a mongoose for a single tree, or possibly frag grenades in weapon holders to make them stand up straignt (don't know if this works, but it might do)
  10. Great find! This will help me a lot. This also makes you think: Why does the Xbox give them such retarded names? Instead of naming them in sequence, it just gives them a random name that has no significance
  11. Here: http://www.sendspace.com/file/jk40x3 That has 2 slayer gametypes in it. One is 60KB, other is 64KB.
  12. Oooh... Thanks for the help
  13. Oh well... I never knew that What other moddable features can you have that aren't normally possible in the game?
  14. No offence, but that didn't really make any sense... Why are you saying it wouldn't work?
  15. I don't particularly want to start a flame war, since we will both get told off. You can believe what you want about this gametype editor. You've said what you want to say, so have I. Lets just stop arguing now. Moving on, are there any improvements that could be made to the gametype editor? Or any bugs that have been found?
  16. lol you still think I decompiled Shade's resigner? As I've said before, it does not contain stolen code. I read code and wrote my own version. And even if I had 'stolen code', what's it to you? Is it your life's goal to make people believe someone steals code? I would say 'get a life', but that would be flaming, so I won't
  17. depends. If your Xbox is near your PC, get either (but more likely Xsata). If your Xbox is far away from your PC, get Xport. Basically, Xsata plugs into your xbox and attached to your PC, so they have to be near eachother. With Xport, you unclip the Xbox's HDD and place it in the Xport device which is connected to your PC. Personally, I'd get Xport
  18. Hello. This has been confusing me for some time now... Say I have a usermap called usermap00000000485EAC402AB1. If I change it to usermap00000000485EAC402AB2, would it still work? and if not, why?
  19. Do you have the latest version of .NET framework installed? If not, go to windows update (should be in your start menu somewhere. The update will be in the software section). I thought you could make more than 10 rounds... Have you tried making more?
  20. I would like to join! I have a good understanding of modding, and can program quite well. GT is miinaturvat
  21. These people should get recon. They're really good!
  22. I know that if you delay the countdown in a custom game lobby just after the countdown gets to 0, you can make it freeze for a few seconds... I'm not sure if it works with matchmaking, but that might be similar to how this glitch is performed?
  23. Well, that made no sense... How can a flamethrower mod be your account?
  24. You know, I'm pretty sure he was being sarcastic... Every one knows it can't really be done unless you have a dev-kit with a modded XeX that can bypass the RSA checks for the Halo 3 maps... Also, did anyone notice that the spartan is actually giving you the finger? look closely at his right had
  25. Version 3.0 is now up. See top post for full details thumbsup.gif
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