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Everything posted by connorss

  1. jailbreaking now. almost done the jailbreaking part.
  2. ... oh god
  3. if lockon had touch screen computer and hentai games...
  4. Me,Quinn and Grunt are is Canada
  5. yah lol.but if ur gonna show ur room. might as whel show it the way it normaally is
  6. Yeah guys,well there once was a topic like this but it got berried to the bottom off this borde.Well i hope to restart this Topic. lol we'll I guess I will start us off
  7. nice set up.mine's kidna like that but instead of having everything on a desk i have the tv and satelite box on a dresser
  8. original xbox ftw
  9. peaches
    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. connorss


      SHUT THE **** UP
    3. Legendary


      @Lockon: yeah no kidding...

      @ConnorSS: Party Pooper!

    4. connorss


      closer,closer,closer **** YOU
  10. connorss

    Sonys new disk

    takes me 10 min to burn 100mb to a disc with a 44x cd burner.....
  11. im gonna steal your computer :p
  12. connorss

    Too easy...

    reminds me of one game.my score was 50 kills 0 deaths.the other team thought it was knives only....
  13. oh gawd.next is lolicon......
  14. hmm your name reminds me of someone
  15. 5 out of 5
  16. so recently i got around 400$ and i was thinking of getting a 5850.well know i'm thinking of saving the money and purchasing a mac.well really this is a decision if i should do one upgrade now or do a big upgrade later for more performance.if you think i should get a mac what version should i get and what upgrades.if u select a mac i will be getting final cut express on it for video editing.thx for a responce in advance
  17. how'd you get fallout new vegas early
  18. yo u wanna destroy a p4 rig with me.i need a working hdd with prime 95 and intel burn on it.im gonna take the heatskin off and atatch sumthing like a camp stove to it
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