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Happy Buddah

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Everything posted by Happy Buddah

  1. Actually he hasn't posted that many that I know of. And you really shouldn't be talkking... That comment by you was basically spam... And why would McModder want more posts when he already has over 400? Use your head dumbass.
  2. Ok I'll go add a nasty birthmark hows that?
  3. Any tips on how to make it un prosthetic sir?
  4. Happy Buddah

    Sin City

    C&C This was a major experiment for me http://i153.photobucket.com/albums/s235/Happy_Buddah/sincity4.png http://i153.photobucket.com/albums/s235/Happy_Buddah/sincity5.png http://i153.photobucket.com/albums/s235/Happy_Buddah/sincity6.png http://i153.photobucket.com/albums/s235/Happy_Buddah/sincity7.png
  5. 6 and 13 are my personal faves. I really liked your older stuff a lot better though.
  6. Yea haha I did a terrible job. By the way, I started and gave him this: http://i153.photobucket.com/albums/s235/Happy_Buddah/dyingbuddahcollaborativeeffortcopy.png and d.hizzle finished. The stock was a little annoying to work with in my opinion .
  7. I can see tears streaming from your eyes as you typed that. If you have that big of a problem with the people on this site, what's keeping you from leaving?
  8. Lighting, text, and LQness could use some work xD, but other than that it's not bad. Try to make your effects more interesting
  9. Pretty cool, it just feels like it's missing something :S. But overall I like it.
  10. Very nice . Only complaint is that some parts look a little choppy or LQ around the edges and shadow. But stop making so much sex, I'll have a sex overload soon.
  11. The face is legit sex, I just don't like all the other colors around it. I really need to try to expand my skills to other forms of art. Great work man . That would look awesome if you made a digipaint outta that s***. EDIT: Oh s***, i didn't realize that was all in ps. Even better.
  12. For some reason I had a feeling this topic had to do with something sexual. But that's basically every night for me. School sucks.
  13. Happy Buddah

    Ban him

    The crime isn't him putting it in the shoutbox, it's you looking at it . Ban teh nubTARD!
  14. yayayyyyyy teh subs maek teh gfx again . Work on teh lighting and text and just do some tutorials and I'm sure you'll get back in the game. You shoulda never left . I remember we started GFX around the same time (well sigs that is) and as you may know I've gotten a lot better since you left (well at least I hope so).
  15. Apology not accepted. This is like the fifth time you've wanted to start over with everybody. It doesn't work that way. How was your boyfriend in Florida?
  16. Lol the green bars weren't part of the sig. It was just a way for him to say thanks... The version with the green bars wasn't the actual gift for me. Not sure if you caught that.
  17. But you're not more into GFX.
  18. Personally, I'd expect better from somebody who's been doing GFX for a year. All of the tags except the last one are no doubt novice. I'm not sure if you picked the wrong sigs, or if all of your sigs really are like that. It may appeal to the kids at Ibotmodz, but what I see is a render with c4ds/brushes slapped on with no aim. Lighting and text are not good. My vote doesn't count, I'd just like to add my opinion.
  19. Haha, I honestly don't like it.
  20. Ok, you done having dramatic flame wars with yourself? Thanks for the feedback bud. Any other comments?
  21. Thanks for the feedback . I'm just going to ignore anything else you say subs. You come here to start drama when nobody has ever done anything to you. Any other comments?
  22. I r going to putz it in my sig . Remove those freakin green bars. Decatur doesn't know what he's talking about.
  23. Sweet . I sent you the adjustment layers. I might be a little while on the collab, I've been pretty busy lately, but I'll try start right now.
  24. Oh my gosh I'm not attacking you. I'm just saying I don't need an explanation and it's OK to not like something and just say "I don't like it because..." Instead of writing a 3 page essay on why the Americans revolted. There is no need to explain why you have the right to say you don't like it. I UNDERSTAND . So sorry if it came off as if I was attacking you, I was just trying to say that your entitled to your opinion so say it without the long explanation.
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