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Happy Buddah

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Everything posted by Happy Buddah

  1. OMG I knew it! I knew Ive seen that first one before! I just couldnt think of the place! Now I find out the last one was ripped. Legacy ur the man! Im 60% sure that the first one was ripped Jelo, if you were that good, you wouldnt resort to ripping and claiming it as your work
  2. Happy Buddah


    Yes I made another sig and yes I know I am very bad at it. Tell me what I could work on and tear it apart C&C
  3. Yea that's pretty good. As most other people have said, I like the colors and the flow is great. Better than anything I could do .
  4. Yea, I was just trying out a bunch of new brushes I got and this was the random outcome, still trying to figure some of this stuff out.
  5. There, that should do it...
  6. Happy Buddah

    Mario Sig

    Here's a random sig I made... I'm not quite sure what exactly to think of it Post your comments and tips on it
  7. Idk, I was really bored and found a cool stock I feel like I should do more, but I can't really think of much else to do Post your comments here I guess http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/16378-607.jpg And here's the original: http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/16378-608.jpg
  8. Oh, ok I got a version of cs2 portable, but I'll try that because I would actually prefer to use cs3. EDIT: Haha yup, you were absolutely right... I changed the setting like you said and now it works perfectly. Thank you so much for your help EDIT 2: Nevermind, I was going to ask a question, but I figured it out
  9. Im actually getting a new version from somebody right now, so this problem should actually be fixed now.
  10. I just got cs3 portable and when i try to open a render it says "Could not complete your request because the file format module cannot parse the file" If anybody could tell me why this is happening that would be great And it's only this way with renders with no background...
  11. Ok, I'm really bored, so I made another sig : http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/13343-130.jpg
  12. Ok, here's the new one: http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/13329-132.jpg I added a border, some text (not sure if I should keep it), got rid of the lense flare, and tried to make it blend a bit more. Tell me what you think.
  13. Ok, I'll try to do a little work on it. I'll probably post a new one in a little bit.
  14. Ok, I put my newest sig as my signature... Tell me what you think.
  15. Thanks, anything else you think I could do to it to make it look better? Alright, thanks a lot for the advice
  16. Tell me what you think... Advice is greatly appreciated EDIT: By the way, below is actually my fourth sig now, so feedback on this one would be great.
  17. Wow chederz get a life . Just kidding xmoto is awesome.
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