Monotone doesn't always have to be a single color. montone- sameness of tone or color, sometimes to a boring degree. ( In other words, I was trying to say I think it's a little boring. Sorry if I didn't use the correct lingo.
Ok, thanks for the feedback. Bush's actually had a lot more details than most of the other stuff, but when I'm able to get on the computer with illustrator and photoshop, I'll fix it up and make the details a little more noticable.
Yea, I know it took forever for me to make a sig out of that vector, just been really busy with school and sports. And yes, I know I've whored the paper texture for my last 2 sigs . C&C
Uhhh... So are you saying you took somebody elses sig and just changed it then added your own things to it? You obviously need to work on doing more than just those types of sigs. Work on adding more effects and blending better . Just read some tutorials and you'll be great in no time . If I understand correctly, you saw somebody elses sig that you like and modified it to use as your background? If so, do not do that anymore, even if you are removing 99% of it as you say. It's still ripping. And by the way, next time post your signatures in the GFX showoff section .
Ok, thanks for the feedback . I'm not sure if people avoid leaving feedback on my stuff or if they just don't see it, but anyways I would appreciate more comments .
That's not a real definition. It's one of those lame posters schools use to "motivate" students. And I'm willing to bet $500 dollars that definition would never be in a dictionary. But anyways, at least you're not insane smokie , but Anarchy you might want to get checked out .
Since when is that the definition of insanity? Lol did you get that from a poster? I think I've seen a homo poster saying exactly that in my school. Straight from insanity- 1 a : aderanged state of the mind usually occurring as a specific disorder (as schizophrenia) and usually excluding such states as mental retardation, psychoneurosis, and various character disorders b : a mental disorder 2 : such unsoundness of mind or lack of understanding as prevents one from having the mental capacity required by law to enter into a particular relationship, status, or transaction or as removes one from criminal or civil responsibility
Exactly what I'm trying to say. People would obviously much rather join an actual GFX site than come here for GFX. This may be where modders are introduced to it, but it's not a GFX site.
Let's see..... I could make a huge ass list... 1. SOTW 2. As of now the GFX section is at the very bottom of the site and is basically the lowest priority. Guess there's not much to do about that though. 3. Two Showoff subforums - Large Art, and Signatures & avatars (that is once we get more active GFX peoplez) 4. Ub3r 1337 staff that might attract experienced GFXers 5. Classification (once we get more members of course) 6. More suboforums such as tutorials, shops, resources, etc. Honestly, I don't think Ibotmodz GFX really has a chance. It's all 10 year olds that come here to mod anymore. I think we're better off making a whole new GFX site or just joining existing ones. Let's face it, Ibotmodz isn't and probably never will be known for GFX. EDIT: more staff is a must, we have about 4 total active people in the GFX section and 1 of them (you) is active.