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Happy Buddah

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Everything posted by Happy Buddah

  1. Wow, when did he say you ripped the sig??? It's not even good enough for anybody to believe you ripped. He was being sarcastic by saying you should have ripped the sig just as you ripped those tutorials. He said "Id stick to ripping if I were you," meaning sarcastically that you should have ripped instead of trying to make a sig. And I'm pretty sure you knew what he meant. He never said you ripped this sig. Sorry smokie, but I just had to say this.
  2. Maybe try to incorporate more effects, c4ds, and more colors. I recommend working on tutorials that incorporate these things. I really can't say it enough to most people. Do TUTORIALS! For example, you can find many good tutorials on tech-gfx.net without making an account.
  3. Steven, I proved you ripped all those tutorials and you even admitted it at one point. Who would believe that YOU made a GFX tutorial? This is very necessary for me to see, as I believe ripping is against the rules here as well. You're lucky pixl studios is gone or I'd post a link to some of the proof. I was cool with you, but now you crossed the line.
  4. The left side just looks like your old sig. Just looks like a c4d with bad text and a blue master chief. Listen to smokie and do some tutorials and you'll be great in no time .
  5. 1349 You didn't count in your last post fattwam
  6. Simple, but awesome for your first digi paint and probably better than anything I could do .
  7. Yea, it's a little rough around the edges, but overall better than anything I could do .
  8. Trust me.... Tuts are really what will get you ahead. Seriously. I've only been into GFX for about 4 months and tuts are really what has done it for me. When you do them, don't just be a zombie and just copy what they say. The objective of tutorials isn't to make cool tags, but it's to give you new techniques, show you how to do certain things, etc. Really try to understand what you are doing in each step and what it's doing to the look of your tag.
  9. Like I've been saying, don't just slap on c4ds. Start to do some more advanced tutorials and actually follow them. Don't worry about text right now. As of now, that should be the least of your worries. Just do some tutorials .
  10. Ok, first off when you're trying to make an abstract sig, don't just slap on a c4d on a certain blending mode and be done with it. You really need to focus on blending things a bit more. Just keep doing tutorials, and try not to just slap on c4ds. Another thing you really need to work on is the text. You don't want to make the text some random color that sticks out more than anything. Another thing is to never put the text just in the corner, and don't make it take up that much space. But other than that, just keep improving and expanding your style, and you'll be great in no time.
  11. Not bad for a first sig, but like I said, just start doing some tutorials and soon enough you'll start advancing very very fast .
  12. First off, you never want to blur the focal to that extent, it basically makes the background the focal. Just read some tutorials and you'll get better in no time .
  13. We now officially have 2 retards on the site. krazy taco and caratti. Krazy I like how you're trying to be a hero and all by sticking up for your friend, but are you @#%$ing blind? Get some damn glasses. If caratti posted this on a REAL GFX site with his attitude, he'd get torn up. I don't know who the hell you think you are, arguing with 2 posts and you admit you know nothing about GFX. Anybody with minor GFX experience would be able to tell that this is s*** and caratti is wayyyy too full of himself. And, what are you doing calling out lax, when he really said nothing, he's actually caratti's friend? Talk to me b****! And by the way, before you start an arguement, I suggest you actually have something to back it up with besides "0mg c4ratti iz s0 good! i nver mke gfx but i lke colorz!"
  14. Well, it's been 8 days since Peaches said that and I thought things over. Don't take it personally, but I am going to withdraw my application. I really don't want to be a part of GFX while the site is dying as I speak and the GFX section is already dead.
  15. I'm thinking of the same thing. Wether we like it or not, this site is undeniably dying. Hopefully I'll see you around on pixl-studios or maybe some other forums .
  16. Wow Sweeny, obviously you haven't seen some of caratti's posts on others work. If you can find me saying something like that to anybody else I would be surprised. It was half sarcasm to what caratti says and how he made a post about how people should suck up his harsh feedbacks. So before you call me out, maybe you should read some of his feedback, then come back. To get an understanding, I'll post a few wise words all directly quoted from caratti: "i think i threw up in my mouth this is just plain bad" "scrap this and start over, its a dork(whales @$#%!$) so start over and try again"
  17. Yea if you were ever good, you're definitely not anymore. It looks like a retarded monkey having sex with a dog. I definitely just threw up all over my keyboard. Scratch it and start over. I recommend you go do some tutorials focusing on not sucking so much.
  18. Great program especially if you're willing to spend days and days generating codes! Pretty cool though .
  19. Ok, thanks for the feedback. I posted a new version .
  20. Thanks for the feedback . As much as I tried to fix the original colors, they still seem completely off.
  21. Happy Buddah

    New taggy

    I'm guessing you're going to tell me how bad the colors are, so I made a black and white version too. http://img87.imageshack.us/img87/765/kingwp1.png http://img87.imageshack.us/img87/4314/king2zs2.png http://img83.imageshack.us/img83/7509/king3jx1.png C&C!
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