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Happy Buddah

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Everything posted by Happy Buddah

  1. Happy Buddah


  2. Happy Buddah


    Lol add some effects, you didn't really do anything yet besides erase part of the foreground and add bad text and a border:O. Ditch the text and border and do some tuts for effects. If you want I can give you some tuts. To add a light source go to filter-render-lighting effects and just mess around with it from there, it's really not too hard. There are obviously many more ways to add lighting, but this is the easiest and most basic and looks a lot better than brushing or lens flares. Just experiment .
  3. That was retarded. You have a terrible sense of humor .
  4. lol gfxvoid is garbage . Add some dope planets and ditch the rainbow gradients .
  5. A hell of a lot better than my first. Just check some GFX sites and do some of the sig tutorials and soon enough you won't need tutorials . If you need any sites for free tutorials just ask me.
  6. Happy Buddah


  7. http://i190.photobucket.com/albums/z144/Jen-rs/pedooo.png
  8. Obviously you wouldn't add a render to a wallpaper . Woulda been cool if you digi painted it.
  9. lol it just looks like brushes?
  10. Does this have anything to do with the actual operation valkyrie?
  11. I honestly don't understand why this is such a big deal. This site is dead anyways... who cares? At least he's active and posts. EDIT: Haha, I guess I didn't realize this was from like a week ago.
  12. Roflcopters.
  13. Text is terrible, focal is undefined, too much negative space, not really much going for it. Not really sure what you were going for, but you could probably do better.
  14. 6'2" *****
  15. Last time I checked it's Smokie that's leaving and not Lax.
  16. I love you.
  17. I thought I'd let your mom do the naming. Wow that was the worst joke I've had in a while.
  18. Rofl you guys do realize that theres still like 2 weeks till this is due? So if this is your first time doing photoshop I recommend you do some tutorials before you post your entry .
  19. Nah, I got 9 c4ds I can add and maybe I'll find a star stock to give it some hot sparkles. All in under 10 layers.
  20. Lol layers isnt everything. And the Ibotmodz standards of good is basically a render with 8 c4ds in the background.
  21. Lol, yea layers shouldn't matter. If it's a vector for example it's probably gonna have an uber amount of layers . BUT IM IN NUBZ! (If I have time or feel like doing teh Grefix over breakz)
  22. His mental capacity can't handle that. Don't confuse him.
  23. LOL, looks like you won't be a mod anytime soon.
  24. WHAT THE @#%$!!! THATS NOT WHAT I WAS TOLD!!! http://www.dumpert.nl/mediabase/foto/afb72b85_bushgooien.gif
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