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Happy Buddah

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Everything posted by Happy Buddah

  1. It's about as easy as duplicating the stock a few times and adding a border and some lines with gradients... Oops, I forgot about the pixelly text. More skill is taken than just erasing parts of a c4d and you know that.
  2. Don't forget the sparkelz. Anything with sparkelz is pro. But the sig looks good, it just doesn't display much skill... I'm not saying that's a bad thing, I'd just like to see you change it up. And you act like every time somebody uses a c4d they're whoring the same generic style. This isn't always the case, using c4ds doesn't make your work generic.
  3. Happy Buddah


    LOL AT THAT!!! I forgot you're pro caratti.
  4. It happens to the best of "use"? Anyways, it's pretty funny, you just might want to fix that typo. .
  5. Happy Buddah


    Lol, I've seen a lot of your stuff on other GFX sites, but I guess I never realized it was you. Most of those are quite good. Overall really nice stuff. I hope to see a lot more from you in the future . Oh and you're right about the Ibotmodz GFX section . It probably never will get anywhere.
  6. I'm not on the GFX team, but I think you should definitely work on lighting and defining your focal on most of those. And don't always place your text in the corner
  7. If it doesn't work for you you're doing it wrong... It's a math trick that works every time, no matter what your number is.
  8. Haha, wow... Sorry for not using the right terminology captain. i gess i shud sey itz amzing nd ur liek pr0 at t3h gfx st00f
  9. It's cool, but over simplified. I'm guessing that's what you were going for though.
  10. I can has magic site name ? I give cookiez.
  11. I'll join, as long as I'm not busy...
  12. There was some baby born on the same property that my grandparents live on right now. In the one room multiple people have said that they heard a baby crying, and my Grandpa said that he even saw some woman that talked to him that he thought was the baby's mom. After staying in that room many times, I actually do recall waking up and being really cold. But then again, my grandparents are getting a little old and could just be a little crazy.
  13. I second that question xD.
  14. chupacabra: Definition: a purported creature resembling a gargoyle, said to exist in parts of Mexico and on Puerto Rico; also called Jersey Devil Etymology: Spanish 'goat-sucker', from its attacks and draining the blood of the victims
  15. You guys keep messing up the count xD. 1438
  16. Happy Buddah


    Good point
  17. I have no idea how many people I've had to turn down asking for 48 hours with 0 posts. Good idea .
  18. Happy Buddah


    The average IQ of Ibotmodz users is dropping very very fast.
  19. Lol, the more C&C wasn't towards you, it was just towards everybody in general, but thanks...
  20. Ok, I'll go with that. More C&C would be nice .
  21. Favorite is the sprite tag, it's a little different from most I've seen . Number one is a little sloppy, it looks like the c4ds maybe could be blended a little better in some places, but it's not bad . Number two, I don't really like it in B&W and it looks like the lighting and effects could maybe use some work (especially on the right side where it just goes to negative space) Number three is pretty cool, I like what you were going for, but don't really like the text. Some parts of the LP look a little choppy and the bottom just doesn't look right to me. Other than that, they're pretty good. Good job .
  22. ...Ummm thanks?
  23. Looks nice, but there's just really no wow factor. First B&W is nice. Possibly try to work on the depth and the colors in some areas. I can't class so I'm not even going to try.
  24. Lol, didn't you already make a "down in italy" tag with that same background ? Or am I totally wrong? But anyways it looks cool, also wish there was a bit more of the stock showing.
  25. Lol, pretty cool . I thought it was just a yellow bg with text at first until you said something.
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