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Everything posted by .dice♥

  1. yeah thats the reaction i was expecting from the people of ibotmodz lol... i posted it on an ipod modding site, and the responses were more pleasing to me.
  2. .dice♥

    My iPod Theme

    Here's my ipod theme for the 5.5g Video with the Hybrid Hack. Main Menu: http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/6248-8.png Now Playing Screen http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/6248-9.png Since i haven't really done sigs in alwhile, i thought i'd post my ipod gfx. if anyone wants this theme, post for request here.
  3. sadly no..
  4. those are the new ipods. the 2nd gen, 3rd gen nanos, the 6th gen video (classic), and nano videos are all ENCRYPTED. That means not modable until someone decrypts them. Sorry iBot.
  5. .dice♥


    This is a tool for modding the ipod! Now a few notes about this version: Theme previewer: This is a call out for you guys. Basically the theme previewer uses screens. Like you make a screen for now playing.. for main menu. See added examples in the zip. So as long as you make more screens! The theme previewer will be better! In the example there is an explanation of how to create them, it's a very simple script text file. If you need more info, ask. Themes in general: Please start using the combined theme file! It's now a zip so you can easily edit it yourself if you want in winzip, also you can use the theme maker.. This will make life realy much easier for modders here.. And now for the awaited download!!! Download For Lastest Ipod Wizard ALSO! iPodWizard v1.3 does NOT SUPPORT iPod 6th Generation, iPod Touch, iPod Nano 2nd Generation, or the iPod Nano 3rd Generation
  6. yes, BUT, all xbox 360 games have a ping limit of 30ms unless u have a ping under 30ms, than u can't play
  7. i was kidding bro, i know thats not fattwam lol
  8. All Kinds Of MoDz yo, lol but yeah mods, Killtrocity Map Pack, or, Ai's. something cool like that.
  9. Yo Peepz should hit up Halo 2 on Xlink, You Dig Dogg. lol
  10. i really don't know what to say about this
  11. WTF IS THAT! lol, i don't know what to say about this sig, lmao
  12. lol.. Whats special about legacy land
  13. .dice♥

    Open Up

    i guess if you put it that way... than yeah lol
  14. just cause fattwam looks weird, doesn't make all canadians look weird
  15. i found this out on accident lol. thought it was sweet
  16. Are you $%#^%# Serious b****, don't ever say that again.
  17. i would like to correct it, M$ IS PERFORMING these checks now, and SEVERAL other checks.
  18. i can barely play the intro for one by metallica
  19. .dice♥

    Open Up

    WTF? Well the hair is blurry and has no depth. Do u even know what ur talking about? Get some $%#^%# glasses kid. What do u mean DEPTH? Since when does HAIR have DEPTH?
  20. lol no, its the only song on expert i can't beat.
  21. .dice♥

    Open Up

  22. no no no, DRAGONFORCE on gh is hard
  23. Would u mod via Harddrive, or DVD-Game
  24. I know that lol, i did the maintence, and my halo2 was still version 1.5
  25. halo 3 isn't boring lol, why don' ppl just go back to halo 2 than if they don't like halo 3. I LOVE HALO 3
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