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Everything posted by .dice♥

  1. Um Guitar Hero doesn't lol lmao NO! i don't like rock, i listen to metal. Slayer has crazy solos, same with Metallica, they beat any rock solo. Which i'm not even close to accomplishing.
  2. .dice♥

    Open Up

    I've kinda put my gfx skills into ipod theme making , i think thats unique. lol
  3. he was talking about HALO 2! not halo 3, good guess tho lol.
  4. i do! lol, but i'm not very good.
  5. .dice♥

    Open Up

    yes i know lol, honestly tho, i love that style, and never really have the time to try something new. true but look at all my sigs they are totally different, pretty much for each sig i try a new style or a style i havnt done in awhile. Btw i cant do that style at all. -Legacy yeah all your sigs are truely unique, i like them.
  6. its BETTER OFF if modding halo 3 doesn't come out to the public, ppl will just get themselves banned.
  7. who here would mod in matchmaking? i'm guessing no one, BECAUSE if u do, you'll get a big console ban if ur caught. Now that prevents modding matchmaking and cheaters.
  8. .dice♥

    Open Up

    yes i know lol, honestly tho, i love that style, and never really have the time to try something new.
  9. .dice♥

    Open Up

    lol wow i never noticed that, but on the stock render it doesn't look that way
  10. .dice♥

    Open Up

    I haven't done any gfx for over 2 months. So don't be too harsh. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/5487-182.jpg Rate and Comment Please.
  11. haha.. wow, this post is on FIRE! if u know what i mean. but, also.. lots of sites downloads are being removed because they are protected by the ESA. only because they don't have a disclaimer. If you had a disclaimer for this site, than it wouldn't be illegal, it would be just a place for your backups. That's why Xbox-Sky hasn't been knocked off the internet. This is what the disclaimer reads:
  12. .dice♥


    way too much of the guys face. bad coloring, and well boring.
  13. .dice♥


  14. Yeah it asked to preform maintenace, and updates still there.
  15. I tried 3 times, and DID NOT WORK. Like what the hell.
  16. i'm gonna do something like that to my banned x360 Buying another 360 in a few weeks.
  17. Don't get smart.
  18. I agree with everything he says. Only the skilled Pervail. lol. Plus Halo 3's mutliplayer is way more addicting.
  19. .dice♥

    SSJ3 Goku Sig

    i don't know what about this, but i LOVE IT!
  20. alot different from what u usually make. good job. i'd like to see more effects in that pic with less stock backround. and if thats c4d, try to blend it a lil more.
  21. The Newest is not that bad, i like it. But as for the rest, i've seen them so many times, i don't really like. But since there's like no1 GFX, u might get a spot
  22. thats pretty good. the grey circle looks like something anarchy would do. it feels as if those colors are kinda dull, if you know what i mean:P
  23. .dice♥


    Everyones gotta love the Halo Theme song
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