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Everything posted by Snowmon333♥

  1. it would probably pretty self explanatory if you downloaded it
  2. Ok i am requesting you try and find a keygen with downloads for the trapcode plug-ins for adobe after effects some of the plugins are shine, 3d stroke, echo space, form, horizon, particular, and stargate I have found keygens, but none of them have worked, the main plug-in i want is shine though
  3. Legacy i see what you are saying and i agree, about everything, we could make tuts and stuff. And i agree with you i hate halo 3 modding, and the game is not nearly as fun as halo 2. And i might just need to leave also
  4. No not fuel rod, i think this is really cool, finally can have real team snipers
  5. what game ? Unreal Tournament ?
  6. I'm guessing roms for either gameboy or gba
  7. probably about 30 seconds
  8. Thanks, it always said you need authorization or something like that, but now i know how to look at the posts, good find thanks
  9. we'll miss you
  10. thats why it is never going to happen
  11. Not sure how it could be useful, but ppl might think of a few ways
  12. I agree with you, not sure why people were complaining about the map, it's better than most, and it's actually playable
  13. this is going to be moved to halo 3 modding, ppl need to follow format
  14. I'll probably download that
  15. ok, i want the website for good guns, i want to completely destroy my neighbors
  16. Snowmon333♥


    who's it by ? text would be nice, I like black and white one
  17. So you can pick up an overshield ? seriously, can anyone confirm it really works ? You just go up to it and hold rb ?
  18. That actually seems kinda easy, I'll need to try it out
  19. actually lots of people do
  20. I wish i was you, a 70 FOOT SLIP N' SLIDE, OMG I go to my cousin's, smuggle fireworks from wisconsin, and light fireworks off with family
  21. I really agree, just don't give him my ip
  22. this pic motivated my motivated my @$#%!$
  23. http://www.videocopilot.net/tutorials.html is even better
  24. OMG i love that music at the beginning, it was on the videos before halo 3 came out and it reminds me of the excitement for halo 3
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