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Everything posted by Snowmon333♥

  1. Do you know how good vegas 8 is ?
  2. Nice job you have a lot of cool pictures
  3. i need to boost im lvl 41 in lone wolves im fine with losing that but i just need a few achievments
  4. how do you do it ?
  5. plz do all the stupid ppl on youtube are so impressed
  6. how did you find that out ?
  7. i hear that they work we should have like a big refererral circle
  8. i left mine on over night and it overheated all i had to do was turn it off and it was fine
  9. what if it did just the angle you saved the film clip as ? probably still too much
  10. whats the stuff at the top about some ppl have gotten too famous who was it and what did they do ?
  11. update: 39 in Lone Wolves with like 174 EXP
  12. well what if bungie automatically converted saved films into a good usable format then put it on your account ? would that be too much work for them ?
  13. crazy stuff Caratti you rape in Halo 3 do you know blackshadowmist ? is he a pro ? you killed him in one of your clips and he madea super crazystick and is like one of bungie favorites (sry about yesterday hehe) you should help me get my Team Slayer rank up its only like 21
  14. can someone help get me the skull at the end of the ark ? GT: snowmon
  15. My iternet got messed up for a week so im only a 18 with about 50 exp
  16. whats the ninja sword ? I got all gold skulls but im missing one silver i got marathon man and almost all achievements excpet for the online and meta game ones
  17. is there an easy way to get your saved films on your computer ? pictures are cool one is kinda gay though literally
  18. thats such a cool mod
  19. is halo wars gonna be tactical or what ?
  20. thats gonna be so fun only 1 more month
  21. old ppl shouldnt drive everytime i'm in the car with my grandma i feel like we're all gonna die
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