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Everything posted by Snowmon333♥

  1. ok how is it because of eazyb and why did darklegacy stop ? because the resigner got leaked ? if so thats just stupid
  2. pretty much the same as Legacy's except not as good, and the song sucks
  3. remember this was a long time ago when all the information came from magazines and stuff
  4. So you're the only one that suggested anything to them ?
  5. Not sure why you think you saved it, but i'm not sure why they think you helped destroy it
  6. Pretty much just some tricks using the mask tool in after effects [youtube:3w15fbxe]oa5MZO_9NTs[/youtube:3w15fbxe] this is a link
  7. 5929 5+9=14[7=14/2] 9-2=7
  8. This is his first mod and it's not serious it's a start, its not like your first mod was perfect
  9. i was playing it on halo 1 and it's a very small map, it does seem good for ffa and team doubles
  10. Like i loved Lockout but Blackout does not feel the same especially with these BRs
  11. I agree, that was a really funny video
  12. Pretty sure its deathgrip
  13. it wasn't capture card i don't think and i didn't notice the quality until i looked in the bottom right corner and i can't read the ibotmodz.net either
  14. Great video you included everything that i remember from the other 2 videos, my favorites are the torque bow execution, the sniper execution, holding people hostage, and the flamethrower
  15. I couldn't decipher any of that, can't wait for cold storage
  16. don't really think that would work, but i like halo 2 a lot more than halo 3
  17. i actually got that second one myself
  18. ya sorry, 1127
  19. the new executions are soo sick, and there's going to be a flamethrower, now i want to play gow
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