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Everything posted by Snowmon333♥

  1. just too dark in some areas for me don't go out of your way though
  2. good idea theme is too dark for me though i think if it's possible make it so you can chooose, if not then it's fine
  3. made me laugh
  4. I think i'm on a proxy also just in case this happens again edit: no i'm not but i ought to be
  5. We all knew that it would be free, and we knew something about a 48 hour playlist
  6. Oh ya i think i forgot to post mine, i'll find it and edit the post after i youtube it idk what happened but from the time i converted it to now it got flipped upside down some how [youtube:17ey34i7]32Z9lJVT3NI[/youtube:17ey34i7]
  7. I don't get how the rats all exploded, were there bombs on each of them i was lost also, why was the main character pissed other than he killed his own dad. like he researched something and confronted morgan about it
  8. yup, like a link in the links thing up top
  9. could've done in general, halo 2 because halo 3 sucks
  10. I was kinda gone during that what did happen ?
  11. What are your views on Halo 3 modding? Most of the maps suck, not too many fun ones What other tools are required in order to mod Halo 3? what melo said Could you briefly describe the steps it takes in order to mod a Halo 3 map? idk something with usermap ids and hashers and signers For modders, what do you think is the next step to modding Halo 3? campaign modding
  12. very good editing
  13. http://www.hmdb.ibotmodz.net has them
  14. haha this is really good
  15. I got the toolbar we are 223,837
  16. this pic is of steven
  17. Ok youtube is working for me today, That's really cool how they try and grab to the stuff to save themselves I'm gonna look for some more videos
  18. I herd cod 3 really sucked but when i played for a tiny amount of time i thought it was pretty cool, i loved cod 2 it was really fun i wish infinity ward would make the new one
  19. In this tutorial you learn how to make a working volume meter in adobe after effects, it actually works because it is connected to the music Create a 320*240 composition. Import three solids: red, yellow, and green, each the size of 50*70 and arrange them as a volume meter: Now we need to give it the look of real volume meter. Let's pre-compose the three solids, by selecting them, and pressing Ctrl+Alt+C (I found that Ctrl+Shift+C works for me) and choose the option âââ¬Ãâmove all attributes into the new compositionâââ¬Ã and name it volume meter. Import a new solid with a width of 50 and a height of 210 and lay it over the volume meter. On this new solid weâââ‰â¢ll apply the grid effect, from the Render group. Give the Border the value 4, and the anchor the value 70, 100, and corner value -10, 108 Change the color to black Now it should look like this Now again, precompose the two Layers, let's name them volume meter (again) and apply the Glow Effect from the Stylize group, and we have our volume meter. Part Two We need this volume meter to respond to music, lets import a sound file, drag it to time line, and then right click it. From keyframe assistant choose "convert Audio to keyframes" and you'll have a new layer called "Audio Amplitude". Click the small triangle next to the layer, choose effects, then click the triangle next to "both channels" you'll see a stop watch next to the word "slider". keep it opened, because we'll need it soon. On the volume meter layer, apply the Linear wipe effect from the transition group, make the wipe angle 180. Alt click the stop watch of the "transition complete" and drag the pick whip from transition complete to the slider in the Audio Amplitude Layer: You'll notice that this is not the result you wanted as the red area is moving slowly and in the opposite direction. Let's correct this by going to the transition complete, where we see the following expression written: thisComp.layer("Audio Amplitude").effect("Both Channels")("Slider") Press the expression -so you can edit it- and at the end of it write *-2+100, so our new expression will be: thisComp.layer("Audio Amplitude").effect("Both Channels")("Slider")*-2+100 If you don't care to know what this addition did, it's ok but if you do, here's what happened: When we gave a transition angle of 180, we meant that we wanted the transition to be from up to down, then we linked it to the audio keyframes. The problem with those keyframes is that when there is no sound, they have the value of zero, and they have greater value when the sound is louder. So, by adding 100 to the transition, it makes the transition has a 100% value when there is no sound, by multiplying it with a minus number, it moves. Let's say that the music keyframe has the value of three, the result of the transition will be: 3*-2+100=94. Why -2 and not -1? Because the differences between keyframes values are very small, so we have to "amplify" these differences by multiplying them.. you can try other numbers, but the result will be very extreme and not realistic. Part 3 3D Our job is technically done, but we still can add some fun to our composition. Create a new composition, and drag comp1 to it. Duplicate it three times, so we have four copies of it. Name the layers: front, back, left right, and turn them into 3d layers. Give the four layers the following transform values: * front: change the y position to 95, x to 135, and z to -21 * back: change the change the y position to 95, x to 135, z to 24 * right: give the y rotation a value of 90 degrees and change the y position to 95, x to 160, z to 0 * left: give the y rotation a value of 90 degrees and the y position to 95, x to 107, z to 0 Last part Now I tried this last part and I could not figure it our, it is not necessary to do now add a new layer, make it 3D layer. give it the following values: position values: 170,203,0 Add a new spot light, with the option cast shadow turned on. from the material option of each layer, activate the cast shadow option. Add a new camera, and add the following expression to the position property of the camera: [Math.sin(time)*z,y,Math.cos(time)*z] where z is the zoom value of the camera, and y is y position of the targeted layers, in our case the expression goes like this: [Math.sin(time)*507,120,Math.cos(time)*507] You'll notice that the camera is now moving in a circle around our volume meter Original tutorial by Talid Al Khatib of Cretivecow.net Changes made by snowmon of ibotmodz.net I forgot to put what i got from this tutorial [youtube:2y4xytja]CqhzPIDDaJQ[/youtube:2y4xytja]
  20. Makes sense, but what about people who want to start modding right away... they have to wait to get the apps to start modding? Wouldn't be a problem if they decided to become a regular, but if not... then it would deter many mods from ever being made. Or they'd just get the Tools they need from S7 or something... it's true if someone comes and wants to mod NOW and they can't get everything they need here they will right away go somewhere else
  21. i hope you dont mean theres gonna be new weapons coming out because theres not. Nice topic though good job! This post was made in august before the game came out, there could've been more coming then
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