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Everything posted by Snowmon333♥

  1. Peach how did they get pics under your name ?
  2. I think that section might supposed to be a secret, Idk though
  3. His links don't work so just keep on going with yours
  4. I might just sell my xbox, it freezes anytime I try to play a game, I would make a lot of money with all the games and evrything. I can't play any game for more than 10 minutes without it freezing, does anybody have any ideas ? Peach you should get call of duty 4 it's much better than halo 3
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SBlJaPD-CCQ I'd say first one is better http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XxGGyVklPHg second one is guy on a bike
  6. level 40 something 2nd prestige ? something around there
  7. Dark skipped one down there so I think it's at 1191, and the next one is 1192
  8. not all on construct just like 5 pages, none of them are longer than 3 seconds, what is host check, how does it work, and what's that point ?
  9. nice one
  10. Was that only for archery ? Because i spent a lot of time on Tilt and Pendulumeca, I played Archery once and sucked so i didn't play again
  11. what was the bug ?
  12. It just has some coding or something rather than what it should have Link: http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/index.php?showforum=88
  13. :unworthy: hahah your very good at GFX :unworthy:
  14. completely true, this mod is kick ass, how much are xbox's going for now ? I'd like to disc mod and softmod
  15. italian, chinese, pizza, lots of asain food, American food, anything restaurants: Olive Garden, AppleBees, Chilis, Buca, lots of others Anywhere cheap including: Sonic, McDonalds, BK, Wendys, A&W, KFC, other fast food
  16. yup no one ever told me so this is getting bumped
  17. I really like this one, The Lion King is a crazy movie, my favorite too I say yes
  18. Thanks I really need the games, but can you have games and a firmware for theme
  19. no it's definitely not, and if you keep doing this you will get banned
  20. idk if this is a good place for a 6 year old, or if the internet is
  21. please post in off topic section only, when you go to school in first grade and you spell in leet i'm going to laugh at you
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