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Everything posted by Snowmon333♥

  1. my bad im bouts to go build you a new one, and i'll put it on mah fileshare an you can live in it forever
  2. and whenever i say something it's like, i like the sig it looks cool and then noodle or someone comes in and confuses me
  3. Well originally what i ment to put was "pretty much the same as Legacy's except his song" is better or something but then i typed it wrong and had to edit, that not what i ment to say
  4. Ya i still don't really know how to do anything with it, except there was this thing once where i found a tutorial to change the 20th century fox logo to anything i wanted, I'll post it if i can find it, kinda hard to explain ok i found it i think this is it, i did it a long long long time ago http://www.avsforum.com/avs-vb/showthread.php?t=715166 here is a video of what it might look like, it's an easy to follow tutorial [youtube:38o8eduj]W6Fmjpjldh0[/youtube:38o8eduj]
  5. I try too, but GFX is at the bottom and i just don't go there
  6. thats believable
  7. how do they make games so fast, maybe should take their time, i actually liked cod 2 a lot because the guns were cool
  8. how can you put that big mountain on the beach without .map
  9. 1161, officially the longest post ever
  10. I wish i could watch the video i love star wars but youtube freezes every 2 seconds for me literally. It keeps stopping at the 2nd second
  11. is it cod 5 ?
  12. is unreal tournament like the same as gow ?
  13. Snowmon333♥


    Completely free program Blender is the free open source 3D content creation suite, pretty much can do animation, modeling, create games, and anything with blender. check out the site http://www.blender.org/ lots of tutorials here is the download http://www.blender.org/download/get-blender/ This link shows what you can do with it http://www.blender.org/features-gallery/
  14. ya, the truck looks fake
  15. that's so creative, it's really cool i like the vid too
  16. I don't know why no one else has done that with the waterfall, it's pretty cool
  17. what other stuff can you do to vidoes ? other than armor stuff
  18. haha same, and google is ranked 2 facebook-6 myspace-7 youtube-3 whats number 1 ? msn ? just found its yahoo
  19. whats your gt ? is it aussie G ?
  20. ok thanks, i was doing somehting in ae and it wouldn't open mp3 for me
  21. i think you must've posted this in general section
  22. Could someone help me find a sound format converter that can change mp3 into wav ?
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