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Everything posted by Snowmon333♥

  1. Kinda the points, http://www.bungie.net/stats/halo3/screensh...p;ssid=36301102 that one must be a mod, unless i can haz lightsabers in game ?
  2. mods were actually good
  3. this is just to get rid of spam, even if it isn't so good someone needs 400 posts
  4. no it was a mod to a james bond game
  5. ya nearer to the end i was rooting for the Joker. It was an amazing movie
  6. thats an unreasonable amount, and i don't know why playing in the arcade should get someone VIP
  7. how much money do you guys have in RS ? I don't really play anymore, I just don't find it much fun anymore, but i know i had 20m about, i go on occasionally
  8. ya it sounded pretty hardcore edited, especially at the end of his speech
  9. I agree with Smokie, have a combination so if someone really wants VIP they can pay or they can try-out
  10. same, I'm mod on the old site and I used to spam so much, I think even once i had VIP
  11. I agree with ALL of that except for bump replies to around 50 characters, new topics to around 250 characters I don't think this will be necessary if VIP is 400 posts, and I think the minimum should be like 10-20 for a reply
  12. nice to see ya lostmodz, haven't been here in a while Song is really funny
  13. hahahaha typical soccer
  14. never herd anyone say that before
  15. he thinks he has a .map resigner
  16. never shoot at the monitor, get owned
  17. how do they put pictures under your name ?
  18. i think we are at 1163
  19. That may be completely off topic, but really people just go to the cbox spamming @$#%!$ all night
  20. almost a year old topic, very likely doesn't need testers anymore
  21. whose mod is this ?
  22. Ya I can never find tuts I'm looking for, or when I find one i want to post I don't really know where to put it
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