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Everything posted by .Slack♠

  1. .Slack♠

    4 new ones

    can someone make me an abstract sig?
  2. prove it is a glitch
  3. i found that out when a guy made a base that was suppose to look like a scarab
  4. i think recon should be given out to everyone
  5. %7BSMILIES_PATH%7D/icon_razz.gif %7BSMILIES_PATH%7D/icon_razz.gif %7BSMILIES_PATH%7D/icon_razz.gif %7BSMILIES_PATH%7D/icon_razz.gif %7BSMILIES_PATH%7D/icon_razz.gif %7BSMILIES_PATH%7D/icon_razz.gif %7BSMILIES_PATH%7D/icon_razz.gif %7BSMILIES_PATH%7D/icon_razz.gif %7BSMILIES_PATH%7D/icon_razz.gif %7BSMILIES_PATH%7D/icon_razz.gif %7BSMILIES_PATH%7D/icon_razz.gif %7BSMILIES_PATH%7D/icon_razz.gifv
  6. stack things up put a teleporter receiver! put what you want on top of the receiver delete eveything in the stack besides the object and receiver (put all of your floating receivers on the same channel) if your out of receivers but still need more things to float use senders but on a different channel other wise it get messy still need more? make a two way but give that individual one its own channel a little bit more? find way of flipping a weapon holder upside down so its flat on top delete everything else and it should continue to float, put what you want on top of it
  7. how do i refer?
  8. ahhhhh i hate flare it blinds me you can still see their names in red too for the swords when you press r then b you get the normal pause for another r but after that you get shorter pauses thats why when you press b the first time you will clash
  9. .Slack♠


    how did you do it?
  10. i know part of how you fix it find your "default access" # mine is it should be on the bottom of your router copy that number and put it in your search box it should take you to your routers website and ask for a name and password thats also on the bottom of your router now go to a section that could be Port Forwarding / Port Triggering add a custom service this is where im at and dont know where to go
  11. so sad people are getiing recon for dying from a cone smacking then in the face another guy sniped him self
  12. i tried that and it was pretty hard for the crane i just sword cancled
  13. thats awesome if you post it on bungie.net you could probably get recon theyre giving recon to people w/ awesome vids
  14. holy crap fences, walls and even brideges i hope these are added to the original maps
  15. ibotmodz users are becoming active YES!!! mission achieved
  16. uhh ok
  17. VERY VERY TRUE , Zanzibar used to be a great map if i were to make last resort better make it so the map doesnt have a freakin barrier roof so we can make bases on the wheel
  18. it looks so frickin sweet you should post a tutorial on the snow and glass
  19. i like the 2nd and 3rd the 1st i just plain dont like 4th is too similar to the stock
  20. bump for peaches to read
  21. no seriously it has been reset if you dont believe me fine but im serious
  22. im most interested in standoff and rats nest
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