here is a pic the range imcreases after the glitch at least 5x the normal amount and only host can do it in the pic im killing the guy from that distance to do it 2 ppl must be in forge they can not be on the same console 1) one guy stand above the weapon as human 2) other guy needs to be monitor and pick it up as monitor 3) both of you pick it up at the same time 4) once the monitor picks it up he will see the human holding his hands in a weird position 5) human- tell the monitor to push right trigger and hold forward 6) the monitor should see the humans arms flap rapidly then pop off then the glitch is complete the humans arms are in different positions for each weapon before they pop off
trust me this is how b-net workers get a code from bungie to go to a secret forum in that forum they can download the perm to their armor off the internet to their 360 i should have it ny at least next month how? well i have a friend whos cousin worked for bungies beta testings and he is trying ot get in touch w/ his cousin to get me the code
there has to be invulnerability so you dont laser the other guy ok all you need is 2 controllers make one guy charges a spartan laser the other jumps into the vehicle at the last second simple enough right? for tanks and wraiths you need to blow off the parts that detach when hit by an explosion
ooo yea i played w/ him last week that was awesome i like shooting a charged pp shot at the ghost when a guys in it and the zombie is headed towards him
this saturday 8 ish can someone help me get cowbell and iwhbyd also the terminals (dont you have to get the terminals after "the hacking" only for marathon man?)