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Everything posted by .Slack♠

  1. hahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahah i love you lax
  2. well thats the thing about collabs the two are doing what they want 7/10 too crazy for me but i guess its ok
  3. may i have my questions anwsered?
  4. its ugly b/c the stock u used
  5. do you think there will be a spot open next month? or what if i beat a gfx member at a challenge will that get me in? im hopin i can get in by next month i just need some practice
  6. still workin maybe by next month i can apply for gfx team
  7. ok then if you still do gfx i want a "photo edit" (sig)
  8. .Slack♠

    mlg bar

    i saw in a game informer magazine that he actually has sessions where you pay and he teaches you to play
  9. yea man i love it
  10. .Slack♠

    SSJ3 Goku Sig

  11. nooooooooooooooooooooooo you have dissapointed me................
  12. i want a tut on how you made the blackspark271 sig
  13. .Slack♠

    mlg bar

    Caratti i want a tutorial for the sig you made after the BlackSpark271 hoax
  14. .Slack♠

    mlg bar

    ive known i watch mlg on g4 all the time but i just esire for a 360 controller one instead
  15. so are those crates and barricades set to symmetrical so they are like that?
  16. .Slack♠

    mlg bar

    i would but thats a ps2 controller and im a 360 fan
  17. yes but not proportional to the originals that was an area issue
  18. http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?po...eplies=true#end i spent a few hours on it and it got a 4/5 rating w/ about 50 downloads so far if you can fix it up any better i would like to see thx to SmokietGrunt for the pics
  19. i changed my gamertag its now SlackAttack813
  20. NOTE: you need the new maps can someone go into my file share download #6 which is a remake of (foundation) take pics of the map and pm them to me? i cant do it b/c i just got grounded Note: my gamertag has changed it is now SlackAttack813 halo 3 foundation map
  21. sweet heres my entry
  22. .Slack♠

    End War

    text is too hard to see and there should be more on the left but i like it 7.5/10
  23. meh ok i hate the kosmic one just b/c the person u used
  24. i like it but the head seems too big to me
  25. purple stands out too much
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