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Everything posted by .Slack♠

  1. it takes parts of lockout and jumbles it up i hadnt found the shotgun til the 5th game i played on it
  2. .Slack♠


    Let me guess.. You play guitar hero yea but i saw a vid of them playing otgether on one song and i was like omgzorz thats awesome
  3. i never got my post count added on the new site and it was reset twice i should be around 1000 seriously...
  4. i agree 100%
  5. hey what about me im around 1000 seriously last time my post count wwas reset i was at 900 something
  6. this was a very useful program but stops heretics and odst's from certain things
  7. then what will it be replaced to? all those guys like cesar and anarchy say "im going to become active again" post one time then dissapear
  8. if you dont want to stay you dont have to this site doesnt need you and fattwam was the only staff that was online constantly posting mods very often you cant be mad at him if he is actually working more for it
  9. im going to sleep but 2morrow its up and spamming ibotmodz all over the pace
  10. someone anyone make a picture not too big but not too small that says ibotmodz.net make it so when you click it it sends you to the home page thats all i ask for i will spam until i get banned to get this website back on its feet
  11. i dont think ibotmodz should be a halo website i think it should be a xbox/360 website for all games like seven sins i think we need a guitar hero section
  12. u were staff smokiest
  13. epitaph is like a puzzle to me none ever forges it
  14. im goin to north carolina for xmas
  15. the only reason it got a low grade for other things was b/c it didnt have nearly as good graphics as other 360 games campaign was fun but had no replayability multiplayer maps suck
  16. woot thanxgiving break in tampa florida woot woot!
  17. i agree and i never really used gold i would make bets on all the gold i had for fun but hes right about the active members now im going to start advertising ibotmodz someone make a pic that links you to ibotmodz
  18. .Slack♠


    y not sppf there the easiest ones to find
  19. construct, isolation and sandtrap
  20. it would have been easier if you hadnt posted it as a .rar picture
  21. i hated ivory tower and warlock
  22. possibly
  23. im still not sure but here are my guesses 1) posting a link to my thread in a few comments 2)spam? 2)tricking a guy into clicking a named link saying "is this what you mean?" and having it link him to http://youfail.org/ 3)or telling a guy to get off the forums and jack off to cortana 4)all of the above
  24. I KNOW , really old really fast , just like you said halo 2 took a few years . and also halo 3 got rated SO BADDD failure... ? ? it got a 9.75 itll be more fun after modding and some remade maps such as LOCKOUT i cant believe i lost my freedom of speech on bungies forums
  25. 35 in lone wolves i just want to get all online achivements i need the double hijack one and the damn mongoose mowdown
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