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Everything posted by .Slack♠

  1. nobody suprised about the troop hog inside the pit?
  2. how defended?
  3. *cough*nerdy much*cough*
  4. he doesnt sign on anymore
  5. so were not defended but fast at recovery i think we need hacker protection
  6. .Slack♠

    "Tank sex"

    my bad didnt see the halo 2
  7. sweet
  8. .Slack♠

    "Tank sex"

    theres is an option for invulnerable vehicles
  9. u used the same blur technique for both and i dont like the second one
  10. do you need to hit at the same times for the combos
  11. so bxr is r,b,rb,b,b?
  12. ive done this b4 but last night on bungie.net a guy had a screen shot of the troop hog inside the pit and was driving it i found the pick in the community screen shots section
  13. didnt you post a fake 1 month generator w/ a virus?
  14. yes b/c in halo 2 i was stuck at like lvl 25
  15. i feel so bad for you gettin one for x-mas?
  16. why? r u still playing halo 2?
  17. EDIT - REMOVED DUE TO CONTENT maturity level l l l l l V
  18. EDIT - REMOVED DUE TO CONTENTwho did this?
  19. can someone use their capture card and help me make my halo 3 skateboarding montage go into my fileshare and dl the first 5 videos and capture them for me plz audio does not matter but i would like good video
  20. frame rate sux but it is useful
  21. he made those sigs you think he ripped proof was found on pr by somebody else already
  22. you worte all of your kills being betrayals
  23. v2 for the moon i dont like the sky high one
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