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Everything posted by .Slack♠

  1. id like to see the stock for the second make me a sig?
  2. not sure about the squiggly line on his left arm other wise its ok 7.5/10
  3. .Slack♠

    Almost Easy

    its just a repeat of theo ne in your sig to me....
  4. hey guys its spartan, i would like an abstract sig simply, make it seem detailed id prefer a total of at least 5 different colors but no gay rainbow sigs unless you have something @#%$in amazing i would make my own but i dont have photoshop anymore thx, Spartan...
  5. great no scopes try uploading it to youtube so i dont have to spend a half hour trying to watch it
  6. its not bull and i didnt say it was a nine i said if he filled in the white spots in the background id give him a 9 and its common sense to put a black and white render on a ***in rainbow pretty much
  7. thx i always go back in theatre when something cool happens
  8. here are mine
  9. i didnt do anything i found it off someone elses gallery
  10. look at the guy on the far left hes got a humans helmet but an elites body
  11. lay your 360 down not standing up this probably happened when you modded halo 2 on it and i had the ame problem excluding the white screen just delete the mods (if you have any on it) it eventually stops makin the noise
  12. i want it just like yours but black and grey you can pick text color yea i think you should be
  13. .Slack♠

    =D =D =D =D

    8/10 nice job post the stock
  14. sry for interrupting but dudr that legacy avatar at the bottom is kickass make me one?
  15. sry i really dont like it 4/10 try using renders that work better with the backgrounds... i think you have potential your better than me anyways, just keep reading tutorials
  16. great fill in those white spots in v1 and ill give it a 9.3/10
  17. did you do the one where 2 guys have to hijsck or something like that the way i used only needs one person
  18. id like it if i were gay
  19. that and make the text bigger and easier to see
  20. render her and make her head smaller
  21. i had some fun the other day here are some pics i should have uploaded the one with my friend in the drivers seat of an already exploded wraith if you wanna know how to do this pm me
  22. it wont work the saved films cant be put on the pc because in pc videos you cant detatch the camera and go where you want it would be cool if bungie made it so the clips went to your bungie account
  23. hmm dunno why i use tinypic save your pic then go to tinypic.com and upload it it will give you the code
  24. these are great howd yeh get out of the pit?
  25. those are disgusting
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