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Everything posted by .Slack♠

  1. it would be ok to me if those red things on her head werent their they look stupid
  2. did you have to curse at him for something like that you could have just said give other other guy credit maturity level l l l l V
  3. i dont like the font and the little arrows otherwise its fine
  4. this threaf was posted before bungie let people have recon for dumb videos
  5. i forgot elites could still punch w/ no weapon (spartans cant) thatwill be a cool feature for halo 3 modders in the future
  6. GeeVeeGrab is Overloaded Right Now! Due to your tremendous response to GeeVeeGrab we are upgrading our system. This means GeeVeeGrab will be down for a few days while we make the system faster (don't worry, this is just part of the Beta process). When GeeVeeGrab is back online you will see much faster posting times. In the meantime, the videos that are in the queue will continue to be posted at their usual rate. Thanks for your patience and loyalty! - GeeVee Team it means too many people are asking geevee to use their capture cards for us they are probably adding more xbox 360's to make the process faster and somesort of way of auto capturing
  7. just make that clip play 2x as fast its easy
  8. so true its so hard to get were in for somechop because trip mine doesnt do anything in the halo 3 beta when you used a trip mine on a warthog it would slide under it and hide on the bottom of the hog and kill them when they got in go here http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=14628711
  9. i want to make one so anyone that has some cool vids give em to me dont give me a link to your fileshare if you have the videos saved on your pc that would have best quality if you dont have it on your pc but you do have it on youtube just give me the youtube url requirements ------------ it must be halo 3 all killing no glitches oh and please go here and vote for my cause http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=14628711
  10. weird i can see it on my home pc but not certain other ones
  11. wtf? it worked this morning, peaches i need you to show me how to post youtube videos
  12. heres my vid it toook about a week to get it was just a test so really dont be like that sux! [youtube:12qq29tj]TUd4LbIXxxw[/youtube:12qq29tj]
  13. all of those are completely right especially the trip mine it sux
  14. ...........that.................is..................................AMAZING
  15. will do
  16. .Slack♠

    LaTEST :O

    ill be posting sigs by next week
  17. this should be vip
  18. .Slack♠

    LaTEST :O

    i want a sig buddy a sig using this pic
  19. .Slack♠


  20. me and you are the only ones that post pics keep up the good work
  21. dude i have your map and i loved it
  22. well if your modding 360 enitity isnt very useful i would know use simple stuff like dothalo
  23. well whats a 35? post the what you need to be as in title ex- seargent
  24. .Slack♠


    brute hasnt been on in a long while so it souldnt matter and people like me delete the psd's after the sig is finished
  25. unless when that first mod is put on it breaks some anti cheat barrier and bans you anyway
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