my main probem is just i get a pop up everytime i go to a website even when i refresh im gonna reset my computer delete tons of programs maybe that will fix it then if it doesnt ill use the virus protection we used to have tons of accounts on our pc then we reset it so there was only one but the accounts are still on the hd and i cant delete them help anyone?
cool i might check it out HAHAHAH dude the worse possible thing happened to me on christmas i got the red ring of death but when i turned it on i heard static go through the whole room so i unplugged the 360 from the outlet and put it in a different one and it was gone
Call of Duty 4 (360) Guitar hero 3 (360) some clothes motorola KRAZR all of my sisters got a cell too oldest got iphone 2nd oldest got blackberry curve and youngest got a trackphone hahah $100 $90 in giftcards for gamestop $20 giftcard for American Eagle which i dont even go to
do you have this one? or this one? red or silver can both capture video from a 360? all i have to do is download the software, plug the color cables from the 360 into the dazzle and plug the dazzles usb into the pc and record right?
i agree w/ those certain things in halo 2 no one used the frickin smg cuz they sucked! forge and theater are great but forge took tons of fun out of glitching and for the melee system is who ever has the most health at the time upon hitting shall be victorious even by the smallest amount of health
the things in the top right corner and the other one next to his chest look like weird blobs at first i still dont know what the top corner one is 7/10