now what i mean is your single faorite halo 2 mod no map packs just favorite map + why it was your fav my favortie overall was original dk on terminal but only when i wasnt the modder because it was outrageously addicting
oh dude thats really cool thx! check what i wrote in my sig what font is that? and can you tell me how you made the sig (plz be a tut for a total photoshop newb) i have ps now but im happy you made this
my 360 was damaged during an electrical surge i want to send it back to microsoft but im unsure i got it in North Carolina but live in Florida in this form to send it back does the adress have to be where i got it? or where i live now? if you have returned your 360 can i get a step by step instruction on how to do so? thx!
i screwed up my 360 during a power surge so now whenever i go to the dasboard and sign into LIVE it gives me a neverending loading symbol in the marketplace, Xbox LIVE , and Games slides i can still play games though i cant get updates