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Everything posted by .Slack♠

  1. i would attempt that for recon heyd you guys here about the guy the got his account hacked for recon
  2. noodle howd you get those shoulders!? thats recon shoulders you used the armor preview program
  3. awesome now post it in gfx resources
  4. now what i mean is your single faorite halo 2 mod no map packs just favorite map + why it was your fav my favortie overall was original dk on terminal but only when i wasnt the modder because it was outrageously addicting
  5. to me playing donkey kong the original w/ cars on terminal as a nonmodder was the best
  6. peaches im sorry but its odd that you posted in the wrong forum this should be in gfx help right?
  7. i dont use msn much but i can wait for the tut to be posted
  8. is it legit?
  9. oh dude thats really cool thx! check what i wrote in my sig what font is that? and can you tell me how you made the sig (plz be a tut for a total photoshop newb) i have ps now but im happy you made this
  10. heres mine its the stuck emblem w/ grunt mask in the background http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/5015-149.jpg edit changed my guy
  11. Cod4 > Halo 3 Cod4=halo 3 x 4
  12. hahahahhahahahahahahhah..........................................hahahahahah man
  13. one guy stays at the beginning of the level while the other leaves?
  14. thx!
  15. holy s*** it was like a waterfall of enemies
  16. bump
  17. must've worked real hard to make someone that ugly
  18. .Slack♠


    it lets you listen to tabs as like a preview?
  19. idk what safe mode is
  20. my 360 was damaged during an electrical surge i want to send it back to microsoft but im unsure i got it in North Carolina but live in Florida in this form to send it back does the adress have to be where i got it? or where i live now? https://service.xbox.com/register.aspx if you have returned your 360 can i get a step by step instruction on how to do so? thx!
  21. sweet! READ THIS if the site isnt strictly about mods it shouldnt be called ibotmodz i think the site needs a new title if thats possible
  22. it was a sad and exciting movie it doesnt have to be realistic where are you going to find how to fly a military jet for dummies
  23. i screwed up my 360 during a power surge so now whenever i go to the dasboard and sign into LIVE it gives me a neverending loading symbol in the marketplace, Xbox LIVE , and Games slides i can still play games though i cant get updates
  24. change mine!
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