stack it up and put a receiver on top then put the object on top well that doesnt work out of the map because whatever touches the floor dissapears plus you dont have to stack anything up so it saves time plus it can get you to places too high to stack and put a receiver on top of
ever wanted to make an object float? but didnt want to waste you time stacking and hoping your tower wont fall before you can but the object to float on top? or what if you wanted to place an object out of the map but those barriers throw it back in the map or delete it? well heres the solution and i (personaly) tested it today step 1) hold an object where you want it to be (it can be in mid air, a teleporter applys too and it can be out of the map) step 2) press start while holding the object step 3) save as a new map step 4) exit and start up that map again ps when you do this if you repeat it you do not have to keep saving as a new map just save changes
im a 35 that only plays matchmaking when i have to but im really good last match i played i got killing spree, kill frenzy, 3 double kills ,1 triple and, 1 over kill rapest moment- getting an over kill w/ 3 bursts of the br 4 ppl were in the middly on epitaph fighting in pairs i shoot both members of the 1st pair after they brought each others shields down then the next pair after the two guys punched each other their heads lined up at the perfect time and i got both in the head w/ one br shot OVERKILL!