picture makes me happy (if you know what i mean ) i dont like how it looks like a black explosion is shooting out of her breasts but i guess you had to replace the soccer ball with something
proved he ripped i don't believe it first cesar says he ripped now you he proved that he did not rip before because on another site he was the guy that posted the "original sigs"
turrent is on other base (not the missle pod one) in about the same spot, just walk around holding RB it won't say to hold RB to pick up turrent but you will pick it up. i tried but i couldnt find sword or turrets ? i couldnt find turret sword is south farther towards the middle and left to the missle pod
i dont want another map with clones every where but i think the others are fake if you could get v3 that would blow me away (god you have good connections) most of the mods suck i want something that would make the maps more fun scenery wise like V2 im gonna make a game called Ghosts Of Onyx on valhalla v2 and it will be infection and thay have sentinels and humans are forced green and run and hide through the forest version of valhalla
No. When you forge you are changing the Collection files, not the map. That is why there are no mods other than spawning thing you can download of the fileshares. Right now only people with DevKits can mod the actual .Maps. but by changing the collection files you are in a way editing the map, and the map would have to be signed differently being different from the original right?