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Everything posted by .Slack♠

  1. Not this wrongs hands stuff, Peaches should be trusted ....... (it would be safe i mean at the moment even if the resigner was released i wouldn't use it because im unaware of the harm it could do to my 360.)
  2. Only bungie can give you recon....no other way known. (You can pretend you have recon with the saved film editor.)
  3. hahahah i thought this was towards me after i heard "Slack......", but yeah i'm SlackAttack813 and i posted on their forums their vids were crap.
  4. If that's true fattwam you could edit his post and put a better quality video and restart the poll.
  5. hahahah i loved that video!
  6. No scoping a moving enemy in mid-air is like catching a fly. (And i caught a fly last night)
  7. [youtube:30dn8kgn]mtEt7i7lmAc[/youtube:30dn8kgn]
  8. Yeah i already said that but im downloading anyways.
  9. That's what this one is heres the real ghost of guardian just like halo 2's "ghost". http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?po...r1-p=1#17893460 i have downloaded it and its pretty weird the animations for all melees are different and the "ghost" slides and kills with out looking at his victim.
  10. Sorry if i am advertising but i reccomend going to forgehub.net. It is all about forge, and where you can get the best maps my tips are To make things float hold it in the air, save the map then restart the game and it is floating. To make more than one immovable objects combine to be one object, spawn an object set the start at spawn to no then start a new round, place the 2nd object however you would like it to be combined then the 1st will respawn and they will be combined.
  11. I've played that with munchies before. I could never find the trampoline.
  12. liez i would neve- maybe by accident well i will re add you my new tag is SlackAttack813
  13. he gave it to me b4 the site had it Plus i now have connections with someone that has greater connections.
  14. First anwser this do you have an XSATA? No Xsata. No modding.
  15. Am i still on your friends list? I remember showing you your first superbounce on Halo 2's Acenscion (Back then my Gamertag was ChrisCross887) You deserve V.I.P. too.
  16. Peaches should give mfone vip this is a great thread.
  17. Thank you Peaches but this guy doesn't have XSATA so he can't softmod his 360.
  18. Dot Halo is free. ONCE YOU PUT THE MODDED MAP ON YOUR HARD DRIVE AND START UP THE GAME THE MODDED MAP IS THERE. NEVER CHANGE THE NAME OF THE MAP.... (sorry for caps but i had to get a point across)
  19. The turrret inside the map, does it shoot?
  20. it already is one
  21. Hey logan, long time...............
  22. Hahahah thank you snowmon.
  23. Your 360 does not need to be connected to the internet. You need to make the folder make one that says clean maps and one that says modded maps and one that says programs and put all those folders into a folder labeled halo 2 modding stuff. That's pretty much it...
  24. Spawn a ghost (or any vehicle.) Change respawn rate to 10. Get in ghost and drive 10 feet (estimate.) Spawn second ghost and put nearly exactly whre you put the first ghost and set respawn rate to 180. Shoot 10 second respawn rate ghost, then 180 second one. Wait for 10 second respawn rate to respawn. Drive 10 second respawn rate ghost 10 ft away. Set ghost to instant respawn (make the min and max # the same.) Let person get inside 10 seond ghost and you pick up 180 second ghost. Im tellin yuh i deserve helpful poster award.
  25. [youtube:3kq3797j]fqTT3YOxnP8[/youtube:3kq3797j] That guy has no idea that he spells so terribly. simply put the map in a foleder on your desktop mod the map (you only need Dothalo and the resigner the other stuff made it so you could open and do a small mod quickly) resign put back on xplorer 360 And yes your 360 doesn need to be connected otherwise you can not open xplorer 360.
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