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Everything posted by .Slack♠

  1. I wonder who has it who has v2!?(i know its not the snow one but i need it anyway)
  2. It says flat out polygons and geometrical shapes. So instead of bashing his sig, you could say thats not really a vector. Or we can agree that the parts of the sig aren't vector at all, but some are. pwned...
  3. .Slack♠

    3rd sig

    yeah im very jealous
  4. i know who's going to win this....
  5. .Slack♠

    3rd sig

    You have a hard time delieving a lot of people make sigs .... I knew that lax had made the sig i know laxmonsters skill because he made me my first sig i just thought it was a cropped stock because it blended amazingly. as for this i found it hard to believe being a third sig but good job
  6. some songs on expert some on hard
  7. .Slack♠

    3rd sig

    sorry but im having trouble believing you made this
  8. of course not, i wanted to see the difference from how it began. The render blends so much with the sig it looks like a stock. great job!
  9. can i see the stock then?
  10. is it just a cropped stock?
  11. and php.net is one of them? any other recommended sites? -nvm i'll just google some
  12. is php.net the website recommended for learning HTML?
  13. I think i will learn php! nice posts fattwam great for someone that wants to be around technology in their career (me)
  14. uhh forge variants suck good vid though
  15. halo 3 would be better if it was more like halo 2, in halo 2 you go faster plus i really think the equipment slows things down and other things you can't do anymore
  16. after watching some videos i realized all it took was a warthog on top of a ghost on the wall and two boxes on either side of the ghost then you get out through the wall and are there
  17. its takes a lot of time to get more than one prestinge (dedication) my friend at school has done prestige 7 times after doing it 10 times you get a second attatchment
  18. lockout=the best thing since crustless toast
  19. sorry i have to disagree i love the perks except for 3 frags and matyrdom its like halo 2 swat with great custmizable weapons (the customizable weapons is my favorite part) the graphics are fantastic and the ranking system may not show true skill but number of prestiges shows dedication to the game i switched my NAT to open because the strict and moderate waiting times killed me and the hist migration never works those are the bad parts oh yeah whats a roflcopter
  20. so i couldnt copy my live account to the computer using Xsata then put it on a flash drive?
  21. you can put an oxbox live account on a flashdrive right? well if you can, could you take your flashdrive to a friends hous,e plug it in and play on your account or is that only possible for the memory cards?
  22. well caould you open forge modded variants in engineer? and could you say projectile swap the forge variants?
  23. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/9957-428.jpg how do you get inside there?
  24. couldnt get it to work nvm i realized you had couldnt do it with the numbers above the letters
  25. nice ill try it out as testing i was obsessed with hog wars in halo 2 and tons ofppl would join my party thinking i would mod but i just played hudless hog wars then did mods for whoever stayed in the hog wars game
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