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Everything posted by .Slack♠

  1. standoff, valhalla or err somewhere
  2. me too
  3. ooh ooh make a map and game perfect for hog wars halo 2 style where you could actually kill each other by simply crashing in hogs
  4. hahah these are very funny
  5. mod box right?(kinda?)
  6. he's inside and enclosed double box or something that you can close (i may be wrong), but im pretty sure this wasn't edited
  7. sure but remind me when you get it back
  8. i doubt too all the mods they are comin out with suck
  9. i won 50 to 9 all by myself 1 v 4
  10. yea mangriff what timezone r u?
  11. hey i got valhalla now all i need is epitaph and rats nest + i heard there was a foundry
  12. there's an epitaph eh? nielsss do you have either valhalla or epitaph? i know that valhalla has the tons of trees whats up with epitaph?
  13. You really need to learn something about the halo 3 modding scene. They aren't releasing a lot of things just yet, so don't ask. Even if you did have the program, you would have no use for it. exactly even if you had the program you would need a live container (which you would never get b/c then you could mod halo 3)
  14. anyone else have something to say?
  15. i modded 360's and ipods softmodding 360 was a great experience i remember wheni first got my elite to jump high and i was like holyomgwowomgomgomgomgomgomgomgogmgomgomg
  16. you guys the whole having recon thing is fake Veegie told halomods forums himself as he has the program that lets him make his person have recon (kinda) before i tell you let me explain theater in theater you just view something that happened between organisms its not an actual recording just a scenario what this program does is make it so you can edit whether the organisms have a certain emblem, service tag, gamertag, are spartans, elites, having certain colors or even wearing other armors (recon) http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/9376-472.png
  17. .Slack♠

    A Name

    sh4Rpsh00ter mine is SlackAttack813 Slack is my last name and im called slackattack at school 813= area code
  18. sorry for double post but nielsss did you ever watch that video where i just fell through the floor?
  19. a bunch of spartan,elite and monitor clones, oddballs, assault bombs, flags, 4 big wheels, tank heads, like 4 gauss turrets that are stationary, weird things happen to your weapon sometimes the little digital ammo thing on it dissapears and it loses some shaders, or it just dissapears and your hands are still in holding position but this happens at randomn times me and Dyinghero 27 (ItzMunchies) tried this-thats last resort for standoff its a weird looking enery sword that you can use a a secondaryu sword (have sword, switch have another sword) and an invisible missle pod that you can hold
  20. .Slack♠

    LAtest Tagz

    i like 2nd, 7th, 8th and last
  21. i got blacklisted for telling a guy to get off the forums and jack off to cortana
  22. played the standoff before not much just two mods the last resort was awesome
  23. i replayed it thinking that the chatbox ppl were real but they said the exact same things
  24. i might edit this too its like 1 and a half the size of the orginal midship but very well recreated
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