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Everything posted by .Slack♠

  1. i plan on buying a capture card and want to know the right one (affordable) i'm thinkin Dazzle Silver http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/8256-627.jpg but i ll have to wait alot for the weekly money i get to get that any suggestions? capture cards with good quality and not too expensive? Does the Dazzle Red have the ability to capture videos like the Silver can?http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/8256-628.jpg
  2. BUMP omg lots of people on bungie.net have proof of this its has clones of elites and spartans that are grey all over the map
  3. how would you resign it?
  4. i could never get this to work it would always shoot over my head and kill me in the process
  5. Add me SlackAttack813 no spaces i would like to see this because i believe youunless it is instant respawn which everybody has seen before
  6. ok so you need to firmware hack to change the value for recon is there any other way with XSATA?
  7. exactly by civilian i mean harmless (unless you splatter them) they cant shoot and if it looks like it shoots it wont do any damage and the other person wont be able to see it
  8. very easy requirements cant be host forge only 1)in someone elses game go in forge 2)go down to the vehicle you would like to make a civilian vehicle BUT DO NOT SPAWN 3) ask the part leader to start a new round 4) when the screen goes entirely black press a to spawn the vehicle immediately 5) go back to where you spawned the vehicle and have fun!
  9. wow nice post! how did he get recon though and the flaming helm thats all i wanna do
  10. ah the good days when plasma grenades went in almost a straight line man i hate tryin to stick at halo 3 its not that im bad at i,t its that crap happens ex last week in swords i threw a plasma at a guy 5 feet from me and it went in the gap of his arm and ribs and i was like WTF!?
  11. My favorite beverage is XXX Vitamin Water
  12. they've been working on too many symetrical maps
  13. Halo 3 Generator?
  14. BlockBuster and Gamestop/EbGames
  15. not bad could use a render or something like Caratti's
  16. Brute 212 isnt't active anymore so that was worthless
  17. how did you get an invite to gow2 beta? And what type of tournament would it be? and did you find a way of dividing the microsoft points and using it as a gift?
  18. .Slack♠

    New theme.

    new theme rox!
  19. i like coke but i dont get inflated when i drink pepsi i feel like an expanding balloon while drinking coke but i love the flavor (coke)
  20. hmmm i like a couple the 1st is best to me
  21. can you post the stock?
  22. they're all great systems
  23. very nice it had great editing a little dark at the beginning hard to see the victim my favorite was when you took down the guy w/ br then guy who just got over shield thats skills
  24. .Slack♠

    some day 2

    cool i like the blur it would be cool if there were a zoomed in box-clipping mask of the medal
  25. I think there was a big conspiracy thing and he said he was shot in a drive-by shooting. I don't think he is coming back. that was the conspiracy he's still alive he logs on to his myspace and comments his friends still
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