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Everything posted by .Slack♠

  1. Meh, quite meteokre. How do you like my sig .
  2. .Slack♠


    Why would he curse you out, what have you done?
  3. .Slack♠


    I knew he was a good guy, but never really thought he was under such intense surveillance by bungie and XBOX.
  4. This is Brute 212 right? I always said Brute if this is you, that you never ripped, me and DyingHero27 had arguments over it but i stuck to my belief.
  5. Modest Mouse: Fire It Up (it was in the description)
  6. Was it that good? I thought it was just a little amusing.
  7. In a random game of infection on last resort i spawned, looked for the nearest person, jumped on his head and started t bagging. I didnt know it would kill him.[youtube:igv45caw]u5r57qURqrA[/youtube:igv45caw] This is my video and yes it was probably lag.
  8. [youtube:yt3is8kp]VghBAS8XxKE[/youtube:yt3is8kp] well.........
  9. I may make a montake soon, but i neeed Sony Vegas...............
  10. I've had 3 psp's.
  11. To be truthful i notice peaches doesn't play customs alot or forge, I can capture on certain weekends after we glitch.
  12. Thats wasn't a mod that was a video from before halo 3 came out and something left out of the actual game.
  13. Remake my favorite halo 2 single mod. Flying gauss turrets. I would love to see some projectile swaps plz invite me. SlackAttack813
  14. You just swap a weapon's shaders with a bipd right?(huge guess, could you do this in halo 2?)
  15. .Slack♠

    New Tagz

    To tell you the truth... I only like the last one.
  16. That was great, I see you included the trick where you zoom in on the medals, good job can't wait to see the actual thing.
  17. .Slack♠


    I never thought it was possible.
  18. It would be nice if someone replied.
  19. Yeah, i'll join.
  20. NO IT"S NOT REAL!....photoshopped. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/12702-165.jpg Heres the guy who posted it on bnet (yes he made it and he said he will make a tutorial along with his next armor varient creation.) http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?po...stRepeater1-p=7
  21. I love glitching even if halo 2's glitches were better.
  22. Yeah it's not an actual mod just filming of 2 things that bungie took out (the turrets and covenant antennaes.)
  23. Two questions. 1) Would i have to create an offline account just for that map? 2) Where on the hd is halo 3's maps?
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